How Progressive Web Apps Can Improve User Engagement and Retention

How Progressive Web Apps Can Improve User Engagement and Retention

In recent years, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have gained significant attention in the fast-paced digital world for improving user engagement and retention. PWAs combine the best features of web and mobile applications to provide users with a seamless and engaging experience.

What are Progressive Web Apps?

PWAs are web apps that use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to provide users with an app-like experience. They can run offline, send push notifications, and access device features, such as camera and GPS.

With Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), users have an app-like experience through modern web technologies. Regardless of their scope or industry, they offer businesses a range of benefits because they work seamlessly across multiple platforms and devices. Take a look at some of them below:

  • App Store Independence: Unlike traditional mobile apps, PWAs do not require submission and approval from app stores. They can be accessed and distributed directly through web URLs, bypassing the app store restrictions and allowing quicker updates and deployments.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: PWAs are built to be compatible with various operating systems and devices, eliminating the necessity to develop separate apps for each platform. This cross-platform compatibility saves businesses time and resources while providing users a consistent experience.
  • Discoverability: PWAs can be easily discovered through search engines, as they are indexed like traditional websites. This makes it more manageable for users to find and access the app, increasing businesses' potential reach and visibility.
  • Responsiveness: PWAs utilize responsive web design principles to adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. This ensures that the app looks and functions well on various devices, providing a seamless experience for users on a desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

Source: Shutterstock

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps for User Engagement and Retention

By leveraging PWAs, businesses can enhance website performance, engage users even offline, and increase user retention through personalized features such as push notifications. To learn more about the additional benefits you can expect from them, keep reading.

Improved Website Loading Times and User Experience

PWAs are designed to prioritize speed and performance, leading to improved website loading times. By utilizing caching techniques and preloading critical assets, PWAs ensure that users can access the app quickly, even on slower network connections. This instant loading experience significantly reduces bounce rates and enhances user satisfaction, as visitors can engage with the app without waiting for pages to load.

Additionally, PWAs provide a seamless and app-like user experience. They leverage responsive design principles, adapting to different screen sizes and orientations, ensuring a consistent device experience. With smooth animations, intuitive navigation, and the absence of jarring page refreshes, PWAs create an engaging environment that encourages users to spend more time interacting with the app.

Offline Functionality for Continuous User Engagement

PWAs excel at providing offline functionality, allowing access to the app and its content to users without an internet connection. PWAs ensure users can continue using the app seamlessly by caching and storing essential assets and data. These offline capability benefits businesses in industries with intermittent or unreliable connectivity, such as travel, remote areas, or underground environments.

When users are offline, PWAs can still display cached content, enable basic functionality, and store user input until a connection is restored. This uninterrupted experience keeps users engaged and enhances user satisfaction by eliminating frustrations caused by limited or unreliable connectivity. It allows businesses to provide continuous value to users, leading to increased engagement and retention.

Increased User Retention through Push Notifications and Features

PWAs empower businesses to engage users and drive repeat visits through push notifications. These notifications can be personalized, timely, and relevant, allowing companies to deliver targeted messages, updates, and promotional offers directly to users' devices. By leveraging push notifications, PWAs can re-engage users who have not visited the app recently, encourage users to complete abandoned actions or provide personalized recommendations based on user preferences.

PWAs offer additional features to enhance user retention. For example, they can leverage device capabilities such as geolocation, camera access, and offline data storage to deliver personalized and contextually relevant experiences. These features create a sense of customization and convenience for users, reinforcing their engagement with the app and increasing the likelihood of long-term retention.

Case Studies: Successful PWAs and Their Impact on User Engagement and Retention

Source: Lancôme


As a renowned cosmetics brand, Lancôme has embraced PWAs to enhance the mobile shopping experience. The PWA provided a streamlined and immersive experience, allowing users to browse products, read reviews, and purchase directly from their mobile devices. It leveraged push notifications to deliver personalized offers, product recommendations, and exclusive deals.

The PWA significantly improved user engagement and retention for Lancôme. By eliminating the need for app installations and offering a fast and intuitive shopping experience, users were more likely to visit the PWA regularly and make repeat purchases. Personalized push notifications were crucial in driving user retention and increasing customer loyalty. As a result, Lancôme observed a substantial boost in mobile conversions and revenue.

Source: AliExpress


AliExpress, a global online marketplace, adopted a Progressive Web App to improve the mobile shopping experience. The PWA offered a fast and immersive interface, enabling users to browse products, add items to the cart, and make purchases without installing a native app. 

The PWA leveraged push notifications to notify users about exclusive deals, discounts, and abandoned cart reminders. AliExpress significantly boosted user engagement by implementing the PWA, with increased time spent on the app and higher conversion rates. The personalized push notifications helped drive repeat visits, improve customer loyalty, and ultimately increase revenue.

Source: MakeMyTrip


MakeMyTrip, a leading online travel booking platform, implemented a Progressive Web App to improve the mobile booking experience for its users. The PWA offered a fast and intuitive interface, allowing users to search for flights, hotels, and holiday packages. It leveraged push notifications to provide personalized offers, booking reminders, and travel updates.

The PWA significantly improved user engagement and retention by simplifying the travel booking process. Users could quickly browse and book travel options without complex navigation or app installations. The personalized push notifications informed users about relevant offers and updates, driving repeat visits and higher conversion rates. The enhanced user experience increased MakeMyTrip's bookings, customer loyalty, and revenue growth.

These businesses leveraged PWAs to improve customer experiences and drive revenue through various strategies:

  1. The PWAs provided a seamless and accessible user experience, eliminating the barriers to app installations and updates. This improved accessibility led to increased user engagement and retention.
  2. Offline functionality allowed users to access key features and content without an internet connection, ensuring continuous engagement and usage.
  3. Personalized push notifications were utilized to re-engage users, provide tailored offers, and drive conversions, leading to increased revenue generation.

How to Build a Progressive Web App

Building a Progressive Web App (PWA) involves several steps, from initial design considerations to development and deployment. By following these steps and enforcing best practices, businesses can create successful PWAs that enhance user experiences and drive engagement.

1. Define Your PWA Goals and User Experience 

Start by determining the purposes and pursuits of your PWA. Identify the key features and functionalities you want to provide to your users. Consider the distinct needs of your target audience and how your PWA can address them. Define the desired user experience and outline the core user flows within your app.

2. Design for Responsiveness and Performance 

Ensure your PWA is designed to be responsive across different devices and screen sizes. Implement a mobile-first approach, considering the constraints of smaller screens and touch interactions. Optimize your design for fast loading times and smooth performance. Use compression techniques to reduce file sizes and prioritize critical assets to enhance the initial loading experience.

3. Plan Offline Functionality 

Take advantage of service workers, a core component of PWAs, to enable offline functionality. Determine the essential assets and data that must be cached for offline use. Implement strategies for gracefully handling offline scenarios and provide users with informative messages or preloaded content. Focus on delivering a seamless and uninterrupted experience even when users are offline.

4. Leverage App Shell Architecture 

Utilize the app shell architecture, which involves separating the user interface and content from the underlying data. The app shell is a minimal HTML, CSS, and JavaScript structure that quickly loads, providing the foundation of your PWA. Separating the cover from the content can ensure faster loading times and better performance.

5. Implement Push Notifications

Leverage the power of push notifications to re-engage users and provide timely updates. Implement a permission-based system that allows users to opt-in to receive information. Personalize notifications based on user preferences, behaviours, and actions. Use push notifications to deliver relevant content, exclusive offers, and reminders to drive user retention and engagement.

6. Use Progressive Enhancement

Apply the principle of progressive enhancement to ensure your PWA works across a wide range of devices and browsers. When you have a solid foundation that works across all platforms, you can enhance the experience for browsers that support advanced features, ensuring a consistent experience for all users.

7. Leverage Development Tools and Frameworks

PWA development is facilitated by several tools and frameworks. Popular options include:

  • React: Create reusable user interfaces using this JavaScript library.
  • Angular: Build web applications with this framework.
  • Workbox: Tools and libraries to enable offline support.
  • Lighthouse: Audit and optimize your PWA's performance, accessibility, and SEO.

8. Test and Optimize 

Thoroughly test your PWA across different devices, browsers, and network conditions. Use tools like Lighthouse to analyze performance, accessibility, and other vital metrics. Continuously optimize your PWA by addressing performance bottlenecks, improving usability, and addressing user feedback.

9. Deploy and Promote 

Once your PWA is ready, deploy it to a web server or hosting platform. Ensure your PWA is discoverable and easily installed on users' devices. Promote your PWA through various channels to attract users and encourage installations, including your website, social media, and app directories.

Best Practices for Creating a Successful PWA:

  • Focus on delivering a fast and seamless user experience.
  • Implement offline functionality to ensure continuous engagement.
  • Use push notifications strategically to re-engage and retain users.
  • Prioritize mobile responsiveness and optimize for touch interactions.
  • Test and optimize performance across devices and network conditions.
  • Implement a secure connection with HTTPS to protect user data.

Source: Shutterstock

Consider Building a PWA For Your Own Business or Website

By combining the best features of websites and native apps, PWAs provide a seamless and immersive user experience across devices and platforms. Throughout this article, we have explored how PWAs can revolutionize user engagement and retention, and it's evident that they have become a game-changer for businesses across various industries.

PWAs excel in improving website loading times and overall user experience. With fast loading times, offline functionality, and responsive design, PWAs eliminate friction and ensure users have a pleasant experience when interacting with your brand. By removing barriers and providing a seamless experience, PWAs keep users engaged and encourage them to explore more of your offerings.

Moreover, PWAs enable businesses to engage users even when they're offline. By leveraging service workers and caching, PWAs can store essential assets and data, allowing users to access content and perform actions without an internet connection. This continuous engagement fosters more robust relationships between businesses and their customers, ensuring users remain connected and invested even in challenging network conditions.

Furthermore, PWAs offer features like push notifications that significantly increase user retention. By delivering personalized messages, exclusive offers, and relevant updates, push notifications are a powerful tool to re-engage users and guide them back to your PWA. This targeted communication helps businesses stay top of mind, increase user loyalty, and boost revenue.

Considering the benefits PWAs offer for user engagement and retention, it's essential for businesses of all sizes, from small and medium-sized enterprises to more giant corporations, to explore the potential of PWAs. Whether you're in e-commerce, hospitality, media, or any other industry, a PWA can provide a competitive edge by offering a superior user experience and fostering long-term customer relationships.

As you build your own PWA, remember the key steps involved, including defining your goals, designing for responsiveness and performance, planning offline functionality, and leveraging development tools and frameworks. By adhering to best practices and continuously testing and optimizing your PWA, you can ensure it delivers on its promise of enhanced engagement and retention.


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