This Week: Twitter, Google, Facebook, and More!

This Week: Twitter, Google, Facebook, and More!

Happy Tuesday!

If you're running a business online and want to take it to the top, you need to stay in the loop with the latest internet marketing news and trends!

So, here are five of the most recent and important updates from this week of internet marketing we have compiled for you.

Twitter Adds More Context to Trending Topics

Twitter is developing more ways to provide users with precise information about why a topic is trending on the platform. They are collaborating with AP and Reuters to increase the scale and speed at which it updates details on popular topics of conversation.

In the past, Twitter has only provided a limited scale of information on trending topics. From now on they will be attaching additional information to the trend such as a Twitter moment, a single tweet, or a written description.  Twitter will also attempt to provide information about topics before they go viral.

As marketers, you can use this as a tool to plan your next topic to improve engagements and reach on the platform. To learn more about the update, click on the article linked above.

Google FAQ Provides Core Web Vitals Insights

Google introduced Core Web Vitals (CWV) as a set of metrics to help business website publishers improve the page experience of site visitors. We all know that a site visitor will stay longer on a website with good webpage performance, which eventually generates more leads, sales, and advertising revenue.

Google has recently published a document that provides more insights into how CWVs work and their value for ranking purposes. Page performance is important to page visitors as it will save them time in getting what they want. If you are a website owner who is looking to improve your page performance, read the entire article linked above!

Twitter Launches Updates 'Agency Playbook' to Guide Marketers on Tweet Ads Best Practices

Twitter has updated its Agency Playbook, which provides a detailed overview of how to create effective Twitter ad campaigns, including new usage insights, revised ad specs, case studies, and more!

Twitter had launched its first version of 'Agency Playbook' back in 2019. This new update with the latest Twitter features and stats provides more insights into evolving user behaviors.

So what are these new insights? These insights will include how people are using the platform, and what they are actually looking for from different brands in the app. If you have a brand you want to promote on Twitter, you can use these insights to get more reach and sales. If you want to learn more about the update, read the complete article.

Facebook Launches New Interview Series Looking at Evolving Shifts in Advertising Approaches

Facebook launched a new series of expert interviews to help guide advertisers on how to respond to key industry shifts, and outline what will work in building effective Facebook ad campaigns. The initiative comes at a crucial time amidst a major advertising shift due to the increased focus on data privacy, which led both Apple and Google to explore new ways to help users with their data privacy.

This means advertisers will not have all the insights for mapping out their next ad campaign. As a result, marketers are forced to develop new strategies to gather response insights to build ad campaigns. If you are an advertiser, you can check out these interviews Facebook has launched to help you build your upcoming ad campaign!

The Importance of Infographics in Content Marketing


As content marketers, you are already taking steps to drive valuable customer action. These will include factors such as creating powerful content, using appropriate keywords, and keeping ideas relevant and updated. Content marketing has become very popular, and we have to deal with a lot of information. It can be difficult trying to reach your potential customers.

One of the best ways to overcome this situation is to try out infographics. These small snippets rich in information can be a great way to attract users to your website. So, what are infographics?

Infographics are a visual representation of the information you need to convey through compelling graphics. They work like visual vehicles to add more clarity to complicated statistics or concepts. In this article, you will learn how infographics improve your marketing game!

Wrapping Up!

In this week's roundup, we came across some useful and informative updates in internet marketing, starting with Twitter adding more context to trending topics. Then we moved on to see how Google FAQ provides core web vitals insights to help marketers improve webpage performance.

Next, we saw Twitter updating their 'Agency Playbook' to guide marketers on tweet ad best practices. Then we looked at Facebook's new interview series to help advertisers with their ad campaigns and finally, we saw an article from one of our blogs on the importance of Infographics in content marketing.

We will be back next week with more updates for businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in digital marketing. In the meantime, check out our available blogs on internet marketing!


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