Social Media Releases – The New Internet Marketing Buzzword

Social Media Releases – The New Internet Marketing Buzzword

online marketing buzzwordMillions of people daily are influenced by their power to become customers of a product or service. Press Releases have become an important tool in improving your own reach to interested eyes. Ravaged by recession, this is the time when companies are desperately looking for new cost-effective methods to reach their audience. An online press release has so many benefits.

  • Improved communication to the world about your core message
  • Greater awareness of your company
  • Improved search engine positioning

The rise in popularity of online press releases has now brought us all a new buzzword - Social Media Releases (SMR)

SMR's - The New Buzzword

It is a fact of life that change is the only universal constant. Everything changes and the sooner one adapts to the change the better it becomes for them. As is evident from the current market scenarios, each and every business from the top corporations to the new corporate houses require press releases. A healthy brand value for any organization is a must and a press release can help in getting one. It will always highlight what is going to come in the near future. There was a time when companies used to circulate their news and announcements through fax and email. But more effective methods are now upon us. In this age of change, a new sophisticated, innovative online distribution has emerged - Social Media Releases or SMR's having the ability to add images, podcasts, webcasts, embedded video through new age social media sites.

This whole new social medium has been made possible due to the rise of the internet and consequently social media sites.

Social Media Sites - "Submit News"

The major advantages of social media sites are greater opportunity for networking and increased web presence. Most of them facilitate posting 'submit news' or a 'new story'. Think of Digg and its 30 million readers. Imagine the explosion of Twitter, and moreover Facebook. A news story written well and found to be helpful to the right person can cause an explosion of interest as each person has the ability to 'post your link' or 'check this out'!  SMR's can be used to announce a wide range of news items. These may include personal promotions, awards, scheduled events, sales, and accomplishments.They will publicize the latest products/services that will be available in the market/industry.

Social Media and bookmarking sites such as Yahoo Buzz, Technorati, Digg, Twitter, Reddit,, Mixx and Facebook allow companies to spread their news at white-hot speed. Does it mean that just submitting stories to these sites is enough? Definitely not, you must take great care to both write something interesting and also ensure that your article has lots of relevant keyword terms that will hit peoples hot buttons.  Now we're talking true SMR.

Dangle Your Golden SMRs Strikingly

From internet marketing to the health industry to hospitality sector, all industries should be  focusing on finding ways to take advantage of social media releases. As networking is integral for companies to attract new clientele, SMRs produce positive results that are measurable. While some companies are still trying to learn the search engine algorithms, others have pioneered methods on how to write SEO'd news.. Social media releases are here to stay.  Get your own team thinking about them now to keep your business ahead of the curve.

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  • avatar

    Exactly just joining Yahoo Buzz, Technorati, Digg, Twitter, Reddit,, Mixx and Facebook etc and submiting is not enough, your content must be useful and interesting to others because only then it will be bookamrked by the people and and spread over the web and that shoul be tha goal for posting content on these sites……

  • avatar

    Yes Steve you’re right, many people are simply sending out releases without having any news value. It has come to such a silly state that if a company employee is going for holidays, that would also be announced under the company name. This is just trash information with no news value for the public.

  • avatar

    Hi Asha, its about time the SMR became a buzz word, the initial idea/concept has been around since 2006. One such site that lets you create and publish SMNRs for free is Pressitt which has just come into Public beta.

  • avatar

    I agree with you Asha, the impact of press releases are so high,(will get immediate attention too) if and only if it includes an original announcement. Companies realized the importance of online press releases (free & quick approval), and they’re simply sending out namesake junk releases as part of their online activities. Now it turned out to be a all TDH affair. So in the long run real ones will be bowled over by these craps.

  • avatar

    News releases through social media sites have undoubtedly helped many SME’s achieve great online visibility and a resultant increase in online business. These social media sites have thrown open vast possibilities and anyone ignoring their importance can do so only at their own peril.

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