I’ve been tempted myself to act on that Ad claiming to offer me a thousand FB likes today. When you ask the experts, there seems to be various opinions as to whether it is OK to buy Facebook Likes. However, the overwhelming majority of us seem to look down on the practice for a variety of reasons. There is definitely a huge market for “fake likes”. In fact, it generates millions of dollars in revenue for the parties selling them. The question now is whether there is a real benefit to pages that buy them?
Of course having a thousand likes or so on your page looks much more impressive to a first time prospect than seeing something like 12 or 15 people, who are probably your good friends and family. However, isn’t the main reason for promoting yourself on social media to create a buzz and publish activity that will lead to more sales? I wouldn’t recommend any company not to put a focus on social, but I speak with many thriving businesses that unfortunately have neglected their social media. In the end, buying likes have had minimal impact on businesses’ ability to look credible and run successfully.
The consensus seems to be the same across professional opinions. With any type of online marketing you want to aim on increasing targeted traffic and the whole point of having a FB follower is so that they will get your posts showing on their activity feed. If what they see doesn’t speak to them, then guess what they are likely to do? There is a good chance that they will unlike or un-follow you within a short period of time. What you really want is people who are already interested in what you offer. This way, conversions will be much higher.
Negatives to Buying Likes
- Many bought likes are fake profiles from all over the world.
- It’s ethically wrong, as you are trying to trick your real audience.
- It’s not targeting the right traffic.
- It’s very unlikely that you will attract new customers that are interested in what you offer.
- It can actually hurt your reputation and repel existing legitimate fans.
- It can have a negative effect on your Google Rankings.
Fake Likes Can Jeopardize Your Facebook Reach
Some people have chimed in to say that the only positive aspect of buying likes is that the activity will be recognized by Google and will improve your SEO. However, it won’t actually help you rank better on Google as this type of social activity is not a major ranking factor.
In fact, what happens is a negative effect on your Facebook Reach. Bought likes get added very quickly, often over 24 hours or so. These new fans typically do not visit your page beyond that initial instance. When you buy likes, you're actually decreasing the likelihood that your actual fans will see your posts because now the pool of potential fans is much larger. Since Facebook doesn't show your posts to everybody, if you buy likes, it will now show them to dead accounts instead of your actual fans!
With your Facebook reach and possibility of your great content reaching to actual fans significantly decreasing, your online visibility is reduced, then this can negatively impact your business.
Suggested Method of Building a Following on Facebook
The proper approach to building your community on Facebook in a way that will positively impact your business is to always try targeting relevant traffic. You can customize your target audience through post targeting or limiting your posts’ audience. Some other basic recommendations include keeping the page active with posts that not only present information, but that also entices engagement by your audience. If you need to speed things up in order to improve your image, consider putting a small investment into promoted posts and Facebook Ads.
You can run a “Like Building” campaign using Facebook Ads in order to:
- Invite people from a relevant audience
- Promote your page to people that may actually buy from you
- Post content regularly on your page
- Engage with your community
- Provide increased brand authenticity ad credibility
If managing social channels is not something you are skilled at or if you simply do not have the time, then getting a company who is both qualified and experienced in this area will save you a lot of time and money. However, if you are managing your own social channels, consider some of the disadvantages of buying likes before making that step.
You have a really nice post, please keep sharing
Genuine Facebook likes are beneficial and helpful in business promotion.Your post contains valuable stuff!Thanks for sharing.
Likewise, Facebook represents a huge opportunity for small businesses. Don’t simply use a personal Facebook page to promote your business. Look into applications that will help your Facebook page. Make sure your personal photos – which might be available through your personal Facebook page – are properly limited from your business contacts and your business page followers.
Masalah Finansial, Inter Siapkan Pemain Muda
Agen Bola Terpercaya indo11.com melaporkan, Pelatih Inter Milan, Roberto Mancini mengaku siap melepas para pemain bintangnya di klub tersebut demi mendatangkan pemain-pemain muda berkualitas.
Dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini, kondisi ekonomi Italia mengalami keterpurukan. Dampaknya pun terasa pada klub-klub di negara tersebut, tak terkecuali dengan tim-tim besar macam Inter, AC Milan dan Juventus.
Mancini belum lama mendarat di Inter, dan langsung diberi target kembali lolos ke Eropa. Namun, ia menyadari bahwa dengan kondisi finansial sekarang ini, klubnya bakal kesulitan mendatangkan pemain top yang bisa mengangkat performa mereka secara keseluruhan. Apalagi, aturanFinancial Fair Play juga menyulitkan mereka berbelanja di bursa transfer.Oleh karena itulah, ia menyarankan Inter untuk mulai berinvestasi pada para pemain muda berkualitas.
“(Kondisi finansial yang sekarang ini) memang merepresentasikan sebuah masalah yang besar. Jadi, kami harus cermat dalam melakukan scouting pemain untuk mengantisipasi klub-klub besar yang mampu melakukan transfer dengan dana besar. Inter sudah melakukan hal ini selama bertahun-tahun dan saya rasa kami harus berani untuk berinvestasi pada pemain-pemain muda yang kuat, seperti Mateo Kovacic,” ujarnya.
Djokovic Ingin Tetap Jadi yang Terbaik di Tahun Depan
Agen Bola Terpercaya indo11.com melaporkan, Novak Djokovic sudah dipastikan memegang predikat sebagai raja tenis tahun ini. Namun pencapaian itu tidak ingin berhenti disitu dan petenis Serbia berharap bisa mempertahankan posisi tersebut ke depannya.
Djokovic tercatat sudah mengantongi tujuh mahkota juara dan menutup rangkaian musim ini dengan keluar sebagai juara di ATP World Tour Finals.
“Saya secara fisik merasa sangat fit. Saya sangat termotivasi untuk terus bermain dan saya akan mencoba untuk menggunakan tahun ini sebagai modal berharga untuk mempertahankan posisi sebagai pemain terbaik sekaligus merebut gelar di tahun depan,” tutur Djokovic.
Dalam satu dekade ini, olah raga tenis dikuasai oleh Djokovic, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal dan Andy Murray yang disebut The Big Four. Namun, dengan keberhasilan Stan Wawrinka dan Marin Cilic yang sudah bisa menjadi juara di Australia Terbuka dan AS Terbuka plus permainan menawan yang diperlihatkan Kei Nishikori membuat persaingan musim depan diperkirakan makin ketat. Namun, walau posisinya terancam, Djokovis menyambut baik kehadiran petenis era baru ini.
Inzaghi Tak Sabar Bertemu Madrid
Agen Bola Terpercaya indo11.com melaporkan, Pelatih AC Milan, Filippo Inzaghi mengaku sangat antusias menyambut laga melawan Real Madrid. Menurutnya, laga tersebut merupakan laga yang akan selalu berbeda dari laga lain.
AC Milan dan Real Madrid akan bertemu di The Sevens Stadium, Dubai dalam laga bertajuk Dubai Football Challenge 2014.
“Kami sangat senang berada di sini dan tahu tiket telah sold out untuk beberapa waktu lalu dan ada lebih dari 100 ribu permintaan tiket,” ujarnya.
Ditambahkan Inzaghi, dirinya yakin kedua tim akan menjadikan laga ini sebagai laga besar, seperti biasanya karena keduanya adalah dua tim yang mendominasi dalam sejarah Liga Champions.
“Jelas ada rasa lapar lebih untuk melihat kedua tim, jadi kami berharap memberi mereka sebuah laga besar. Milan vs Real Madrid akan selalu berbeda dari yang lain, karena kedua tim paling banyak juara Liga Champions,” ujarnya.
“Ini akan menyenangkan untuk saling berhadapan dan kami berharap untuk membawa sebuah tontonan yang hebat,” tandasnya.