Introducing the World’s First Lorem Ipsum Website Scanner!

Introducing the World’s First Lorem Ipsum Website Scanner!

At TechWyse, we’re always working on useful new tools to make the life of internet marketers a little bit easier. This time we're bringing you a quick and easy way to check your website for dummy text before it goes live.

Quick note: last year we released the Facebook Image Checker that helped you predict whether your Facebook news feed ads would be approved or rejected due to text restrictions. We estimated that this tool has saved people over one year of delays in waiting for Facebook to approve ads!

This time we set out to save our fellow agencies and site owners from being caught with lorem ipsum (dummy/filler) text on their website.
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TechWyse Provides Unique Tool for Facebook Promoted Posts
Best Practices For Launching a New Website
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Tool Provided by TechWyse Internet Marketing

If you’ve ever built a website you know that lorem ipsum text helps give you an idea of how your website is going to look once it’s populated with text. The only problem is that too often this text is left on websites after they’ve launched. This provides a poor user experience and worse, if it’s your client’s website this could seriously harm your relationship, not to mention the potential duplicate content issues that could arise.

With this in mind. We thought: Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to scan a website for lorem ipsum text?

So we did just that. We build a tool that crawls up to 500 pages on your website and will email you a nice little report summarizing what a great job you’ve done or what pages on your website still have dummy text. A scan of 100 pages should take around 2 minutes.

We didn’t just stop with lorem ipsum. We also included the following words in the scanner:

  • "sunt in culpa"
  • “coming soon”
  • "under construction"
  • "asdf"
  • "qwert"
  • "etaoin shrdlu"
  • "now is the time for all good men"
  • "the quick brown fox"

The last really nifty part of the Lorem Ipsum Checker is that you can embed the tool on your very own site. Just head on over to TechWyse Lorem Ipsum Scanner to view the tool page and embed the code. Be sure download it on the Chrome Store, too.

We welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions. Please feel free to leave them!

A big thanks to the entire team who made this crazy idea happen!

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