This Week In Internet Marketing 2016 05 17

This Week In Internet Marketing

Hello and Happy Tuesday!

This week in internet marketing, we've gathered a collection of helpful and interesting articles from across the web. We're looking at a solid on-page SEO strategy for 2016, as well as email messages to help convert PPC leads, and creating SEO content that appeals to your local community. We're also looking at boosting conversions by optimizing your hero image, and tips for building links by getting involved in your local community.

On-Page SEO in 2016: The 8 Principles for Success - Whiteboard Friday

On-Page SEO Principles for Success

In the latest Whiteboard Friday, Moz's Rand Fishkin shares his formula for on-page SEO success. Any SEO campaign needs to start by considering the searcher's intent, and keep in mind their intent may not only be to research a topic, product or service, but they may have the added intent of making a purchase. Site speed and user experience (UX) are paramount for creating trust, and boosting engagement and leads. Keyword targeting should be incorporated carefully across the title elements, page content, alt attributes, URL, and image file names.

7 Practical Email Messages to Send to Your Targeted PPC Leads

Practical Email Messages

If you're spending money on PPC campaigns to bring in leads, it's so important to ensure you're following that up by turning those leads into clients or customers. One of the best ways to stay on top of leads is through a variety of types of emails. The "Welcome" email, for instance, often has a high open and click rate. For standalone emails, which are intended to educate your leads or nurture your relationship with them, you'll need to start by segmenting your list of subscribers and targeting those emails carefully.

Local SEO: Become the voice online for your market

Become The Voice Online

An increasing number of SEO experts are advising businesses to create content that is of interest to clients, even if it's not entirely and specifically related to your business. Creating content that boosts search rankings is great, but if your content has the added benefit of engaging with your local community and speaking about issues that resonate, you'll open up a whole other layer of benefits. In one example, a business that started writing local-interest blogs found that 35% of traffic to the site arrived through content that focused on community issues, and that the top visited pages on their site had nothing to do with their services. It may seem counter-intuitive, but it certainly is an effective way to increase traffic.

Optimizing Your Hero Image To Boost Conversions (With 26 Examples)

Optimizing Your Hero Image

Image Source

A hero image is the large photo on your home page, but it has the potential to be so much more than that. Your photo can complement and add context to your brand and to the value you provide your visitors. The image and accompanying text should send a very clear message that will be easy for visitors to understand. A hero image should support targeted keywords, convey the desired emotion, and it should fit seamlessly with the design and lead visitors to the main call to action on the page.

15 Highly Effective Ways To Build SEO Links For Your Local Business

SEO Links For Local Business

The best link building strategies are about more than boosting SEO, they're about getting genuinely involved in your community. A great local link building campaign should be a natural extension of your business's personality. For example, by partnering with a local business, sponsoring a cause, or hosting a community event, you'll not only build strong links but will also have the chance to make a valuable contribution. Also, consider building a local resource page that will be handy for your neighbours and also earn natural links to your site.

Check out these additional articles for more internet marketing news!

4x Your Earnings with These 4 Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

36 Authoritative Outreach Tips for Digital PR Specialists

9 Twitter Advertising Guides That’ll Help You Generate Better Results for Less

20 Conversion Rate Experts You Should Be Following Today

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