This Week In Internet Marketing 2016 04 19

This Week In Internet Marketing

Hello and Happy Tuesday!

This week in internet marketing, we've collected the best and most helpful articles from around the web. We're looking at SEO mistakes small businesses should avoid, and the new mobile landscape emerging with Google AMP, as well as strategies to help millenials master digital marketing. We're also looking at creating linkable assets without the time investment of writing lengthy content, and strategies for great landing page forms that will boost conversions.

5+ Small Business SEO Mistakes to Avoid

For small and medium sized businesses that need to work extra hard to rank well in a Google search, it's particularly important to avoid common SEO mistakes that could negatively impact those rankings. For example, don't underestimate the importance of a well-managed social media account. Accounts that are rarely updated look sloppy and can deter customers. It's equally important to keep your website content fresh and updated—revisit your core pages often to make sure the content continues to be relevant to the season, to your industry and up-to-date with market changes.

Will Google AMP keep everyone content?

Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages are an open source tool designed to help publishers increase mobile page speed. One thing that's currently holding mobile pages back is that content often loads much more quickly than the ads, because the ads tend to be clunky, poorly designed, and end up leaving a blank white box in the middle of the scroll. Google AMP is an attempt to standardize the way ads are incorporated into content on mobile pages. It's still early days, and the earliest adopters are primarily big publishers like BuzzFeed and The New York Times. But for any site that's already in the process of a rebuild, it could be worth looking into the technical setup that would be required in adopting Google AMP.

How Millennials can Master Digital Marketing

Master Digital Marketing

There's been an overload of articles, blogs and emerging theories about marketing to millenials, but there's been little discussion about how millenials can become savvy digital marketers. Start by figuring out where your target audience hangs out online and focus your efforts on the best possible marketing channels. Build your personal brand by being authentic and enthusiastic, even if it means showing your flaws. And remember that data continues to be as important as ever—continually assess your metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly.

How To Create Linkable Assets Without the Content Commitment

Linkable Assets

Is it true that in order to build great links, you have to write a never-ending flow of lengthy, great content? Not necessarily. You do have to build content that is useful and interesting, but that doesn't have to mean spending long hours working on your writing. You can try the aggregation approach of sites like Reddit or BuzzFeed, which thrive on content that's pulled from other sources. Alternatively, create a resource page that can serve as a useful and linkable asset for your site. A resource page will link to content your audience will find helpful and interesting. You'll need to be savvy and creative in the way you search for links to add to your resource page, but this article offers helpful tips.

31 Ways Your Landing Page Forms Are Bleeding Money

Landing Page Forms

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Landing pages are the last stop on the path to conversions, and there are a number of easy things you can do to improve your landing pages and boost conversions. There's a common misconception that fewer fields in a form will yield better results, but this is false. Choose the fields wisely and make sure you're asking pertinent questions that are relevant to that specific campaign. Also try incorporating in the form a drop-down menu for the services you provide so a lead can quickly see whether your company will suit their needs.

Check out these additional articles for more internet marketing news!

Google local results get additional search filters on mobile

9 Conversion Rate Optimization Principles to Get You Started (If You Can’t Test)

14 amazing link-building tools that will make you chuckle with relief

Google Adjusts the Impact of Ad Rank Formats


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