This Week In Internet Marketing 2013 03 12

This Week In Internet Marketing 2013 03 12

Welcome back to another exciting week in the world of Internet marketing. Here are some articles to keep you in the loop: What the Facebook News Feed Redesign Means For Your Business; Content Marketing for SEO [Infographic]; Why LinkedIn is a Better Option than Google Local for B2B Providers; and Top 5 Google Analytics Changes You MIght Have Missed.

This Week in Internet Marketing 2013 02 12

What the Facebook News Feed Redesign Means For Your Business

Why Google’s Display Ads Are A World Apart From Facebook’s Display AdsFacebook’s recent news feed update is designed to present rich media is a more clear and pleasing way, by providing more page real estate for imagery. Since 50 per cent of Facebook’s posted content is visual and has proven to attract the most user interaction, the update surrounds just that. If you’re sharing blog content to Facebook, this may be a good time to reevaluate your content marketing strategy.

Content Marketing for SEO [Infographic]

If you believe in the commonly used saying “content is king” then you must understand the importance of content marketing for SEO. Did you know that 52 per cent of consumers have admitted that blogs have impacted their purchasing decisions? This infographic highlights the how content, social media and SEO all intertwine.

Why LinkedIn is a Better Option than Google Local for B2B Providers

Why LinkedIn is a Better Option than Google Local for B2B ProvidersAll excelling businesses thrive on client reviews and feedback and collecting this type of information can boost a company’s online reputation. Many businesses turn to Google Local to collect client feedback; however, now might be a good time to give LinkedIn a more indepth look. LinkedIn offers company product and service profile sections with the ability to leave a recommendations directly beside any product or service.

Top 5 Google Analytics Changes You MIght Have Missed

Google Analytics data provides great insight of web efforts; nonetheless, many fail to understand the true value of its metrics. This metric maven is constantly being updated to provide more useful data. Keeping up with recent analytics changes will save you time in the long run, while leading to more effective and accurate use of its capabilities.

More Internet Marketing Headlines

Google Maps for iPhone Updates Adds New Local Search Features

Leveraging Pinterest For Guest Post Opportunities

The Google AdWords Landscape (infographic)

Introducing: AdWords ‘Similar Audiences’ Targeting

Infographic: Google’s Mobile World, From Ads To Apps To Andriod

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  • avatar

    A useful selection of articles. I’m not surprised that LinkedIn is considered a better option for local businesses. It is often the default social media for business professionals.

  • avatar

    I think it is already being implemented
    When is the facebook new feed re design going to take place or has it already been changed?

  • avatar

    When is the facebook new feed re design going to take place or has it already been changed?

    • avatar
      Vanessa Copeland 


      @Rylag, I have yet to received the update; however, I know a few people that have. Slowly but surely we’ll all have access.

  • avatar

    Those are some great tips. Another one I may add is FourSquare. I have used FourSquare to enquire new business leads to help me become more successful and reach business owners in the same niche that I am currently in.

    • avatar
      Vanessa Copeland 


      @neweaver, Yes, FourSquare is definitely a great way to source new leads. Especially since the app drives tons of trusted marketing – word of mouth.

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