This Week in Internet Marketing 2012 01 23

This Week in Internet Marketing 2012 01 23

Are we really in the fourth week of January? Time flies when you’re working hard! Last week brought us some interesting web marketing news including: enhanced Google AdWords metrics; blog traffic strategies; Google penalizing sites with too many ads; key metrics to track in Facebook; and SOPA’s potential impact and where the bill stands now.

This Week in Internet Marketing 2012 01 23

Improved Metrics in Google AdWords

Google AdWords is improving Ad Group impression share metrics. Basically you will now be able to see “the percentage of impressions you received divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive” and view “the share of impressions lost due to your Ad Rank.” Another important detail outlined in the blog post is the deadline to download pre-May 2011 impression share data. If you’re a client of ours, don’t worry, we’re on it!

21 Strategies to Boost Your Blog Traffic

Tactics that include targeting users who are likely to share posts; identifying and participating in communities where your audience gathers and optimizing your content are only a few of the strategies covered in this very thorough article from SEOmoz. Another great strategy is that of encouraging guest bloggers, in fact guest blogging is something we wrote about last week.

Site with Too Many Ads “Above the Fold” are Now Being Penalized by Google

To clarify, “the fold” is the visible portion of a webpage before you scroll down. It turns out that Google is now beginning to demote websites who have too many ads above the fold. The ironic part of all of this is that a good portion of those very ads are being served up by Google. Good for you Google search team!

Targeting Key Metrics in Facebook

This article from Mashable encourages us social media marketers to focus in on three important metrics: talking about this; engaged users; and external referrers. The article also offers tips for engaging users such as including mini call-to-actions and never leaving posts unattended. This is a good read for the novice-to-intermediate Facebook marketer.

The Side Effects of SOPA

You’ve probably heard a lot about SOPA (the Stop Online Piracy Act). SOPA aims to give corporations legal power to sue websites, search engines, bloggers who direct users to illegally shared media. But this also gives corporations the mandate to have ISPs block and cut off funding to sites that may be suspected of online piracy. SOPA won’t stop downloaders as they’ll still be able to find sites based on IP address. They will also be able to sue sites who they feel aren’t filtering content well enough, effectively crippling new start-ups. Update, it looks like SOPA has been pulled!

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Iranian Court Upholds Death Sentence For Web Developer

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Wikipedia’s SOPA / PIPA Blackout Seen By 162 Million People

Larry Page: Google+ Now Has 90 Million Users

AdWords Gets More Granular With New Mobile Targeting Options

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