The New Year brings new developments into the realm of Internet marketing with: the fact that more Americans are now using mobile apps in favor of their mobile browser, Facebook may seal a spot within the top three American IPOs, brick and mortar retailers are forced to fight back against the online marketplace, and a pile of predictions for the future of search engines and social media importance in 2012.
This Week in Internet Marketing 2012 01 09
ComScore Reports more Using Apps over Mobile Browser
ComScore, a leader in measuring the digital marketplace has just released the results of their latest data-driven research, which identifies the rise in popularity of mobile apps. Smartphone users are downloading and using apps more than ever before. In an age where buying products and services are completed while waiting for the traffic light to change, more businesses should consider mobile application development a priority in their 2012 strategy.
Waging War against Mobile Apps? How Physical Retail Locations can Fight Back
While online sales for holiday shopping are expected to grow 15%, physical retail locations are predicted to see a minimal 3% rise in revenue. The brick and mortar shop has been put on the defensive and needs to defend against the convenience and prices that online stores offer. This is particularly true for competing with online giants such as Amazon, and their offer to further discount products, through their mobile app. This has to be accomplished without cutting into profit margins and this article will tell you how.
The Future of Facebook for 2012
Facebook’s IPO (initial public offering) will be the biggest public offering of 2012. The company is rumored to have a $100 billion valuation, which places the social networking giant in the top three American IPOs for highest amount raised.
We are the Internet
First the web was human driven then it was programmed by algorithms. With social media becoming such a prominent component of what propels the web the information that makes the internet, algorithms and search engines smarter, is powered by people. This fascinating article explains how the Internet makes us smarter, and we feed the Internet, therefore contributing to its intelligence. We may not have robots to do our chores but we have them to fuel our knowledge.
Social Trends for 2012
To highlight the ever-growing importance of social media, this article offers five 2012 trends in the social world. This includes the increasing prominence of social media and how it has begun to impact Google’s algorithm. Also included is how customers and employees are becoming an extended part of every company’s marketing team and Daily Deal services receiving preference in the Google engine.
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