Well folks, September has now arrived. Although the summer weather might be slowly cooling down here at TechWyse HQ, the online world is always still heating up! Here is a look at what's been going on this week in the world of Internet Marketing.
Internet Marketing News – 2010 09 06
Google Launches Real-Time Search
Google is always working at a rapid pace to improve their systems to handle and deliver results from social networks in real time. This week the real-time search industry got a lot hotter. Google today turned on a new experiment feature that delivers search results on a keyword in real time. Google’s real-time search feature is currently in the process of being rolled out to everyone. Visit Google.com/realtime to give it a try.
A Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Insights
Facebook Insights provides Facebook Page owners … with metrics around their content. By understanding and analyzing trends within user growth and demographics, consumption of content, and creation of content, Page owners … are better equipped to improve their business with Facebook. So what’s the best way to use this relatively new tool? Click out the link above to see steps that should have you measuring Facebook engagement in no time.
Bingbot is coming to town
On October 1st, you should see the main Bing web crawler name change implemented. Other BingBot crawlers will be phased out shortly thereafter.The renamed crawler will continue to perform as it did previously. You should not see any differences stemming from this change.
The old HTTP header From field, currently seen as:
From: msnbot(at)microsoft.com
will be renamed to the following:
From: bingbot(at)microsoft.com
Note: If you previously blocked the Bing crawler but allowed the Yahoo! crawler access to your site, you'll now need to allow access to BingBot to continue to be seen in Yahoo! search results.
More Internet Marketing News
Here are a few other articles released in the past week or so that we highly recommend you check out.
The Facebook insight was really a handy tool – very much giving a feel of the Google Analytics interface and making users feel at home. indeed a very useful one. of course one is waiting for the Bing bot to show its true colours and the way it will bring in new results for keyword performance. Hopefully it will be something that could match up with the Google bot.
Also great to see the graphical option to search by time, just move your mouse over the graph. The graph shows the tweets / posts made on a particular time. Google is providing us enhancements what we cannot even think of !
Real-Time Search is a pretty good feature from Google helps us to find the latest and most updated information in any industry we are catering to.. It will be very helpful to update ourself's to the latest data and active people in the Industry so as acquire more knowledge.