Having been at the infancy of email marketing, we have consulted many email marketers in how to get the most out of their list and all digital communications. Here are a few tips to help you get started and maximize performance. If you don’t have a list but still want to do email marketing I have enclosed a small list below for other resources and sources for find third party opted in lists.
1. Make sure you personalize your communication. This means, “Hi (First Name)”, most email providers allow you to personalize with a person’s name or adding a company name.
2. Provide value, it is not okay to just blast offers or deals, people will get tired of this and opt out of receiving future emails. Sales cycle is often a long one, providing value with relevant information is a great way to build trust.
3. Always include an opt out link! You can make some people really upset if you don’t give them the ability to opt out.
4. Don’t over blast your list. Once every couple months is enough to keep people in tune with your message and not annoy them.
5. Always ask a question or try to engage them. This means giving them something else to do with your email. This can include multiple click options or offers to click.
Following these helpful tips should give you a head start to building your email marketing messages. If you want to rent a third party list here are a few sources that can facilitate renting a third party list.
1. www.westlists.com – They deal in all lists, from email to snail mail
2. www.listsbroker.com - Similar to West List Co., they are a full service list brokerage
3. www.emaillistcanada.com - Deal in Email Lists for Canada.
Interesting post! I never thought of putting a question in to engage my recipients, I might try that out.
I disagree with your first point. Every marketer should test this for themselves, of course, but there are niches where personalization is a turn-off to the subscribers. My lists that are in the internet marketing arena, for example, had a 36% higher opt-out rate when I used personalization than when I didn’t. That’s a huge difference!
Thanks for the advice Gomer!
Totally agree with point number 4. I unsubscribed some mailing lists because I was tired to receive every day an email to remind me that the website did exist, sometimes with no offer or news in the mail. Just a spam in case I forgot they exist since the day before.
Also, don’t make the unsubscribe process a pain in the butt. When I click the unsubscribe link, just take me to a page confirming that I’ve been unsubscribed. Not another page asking me if I want to unsubscribe, asking me to enter my username and password, asking me to check what specifically I want to unsubscribe from, etc…
Not including an opt-out link means I’m going to have to resort to the Report Spam button in Gmail instead.
I think that the advised offered here is sound from an overall email perspective. However in regards to email marketers looking for a direct response (ex. a sale or lead) I would also add that having a dynamic email campaign is essential for any business looking to drive business on their website (ecomm specifically). By dynamic email campaigns I mean such concepts like having a re-purchase, product recommendation(s) or other upsell messages where buyer behaviour data is used in conjunction with segmentation, coupled with the end goal of targeting the most engaged audiences. In my experience open rates and conversion rates tend to be significantly higher when the message or product offering speaks more specifically to their behaviour or interests.
Do you get better traction with e-mail marketing when you send out your e-mails on certain days?
In other words, do you better results when you mail on a Thursday instead of a Monday?
Are there any statistics on this?
Check this out Eddy: http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/when-is-the-best-time-to-send-emails/
You should never use scraped email lists or other Marketers email lists of any kind! Emails collected this way not only don’t match any niche and even worse have already been spammed to death. The most effective way to use Email Marketing is to make someone WANT to sign up to your mailing list, because they see value in it. Too many Marketers are in the SPAM mindset, and those emails get instantly deleted or blocked.
Not over blasting your lists needs saying over and over again! This is one of the sure fire ways to permanently irritate and alienate your customer base. A gentle and occasional prod every so often with friendly talk is the way to go.