New Master Client Centre Tag Feature

New Master Client Centre Tag Feature

Tag! You're it!Almost every search marketing company that uses Google AdWords, uses the Master Client Centre feature to organize and access their clients' accounts. Until now, the only way to organize your client accounts in the MCC (outside of data numbers) has been to order them alphabetically.

But now you can tag each account with labels!

Say you wanted to sort your AdWords accounts by budget size, Account Manager, or business category. Well, you can now apply a label to that account in your MCC, and then sort by label to save you the time of searching for each one.

Let's take a look.

Many readers of this blog will know Jon, one of our Campaign Analysts and resident Analytics expert. I have labeled all of the clients he is responsible for with the label "CA:Jon". I have also done the same with clients looked after by Thomas, another Campaign Analyst.

When I open the MCC, this is what I see with these labels applied to the accounts.


Now, if I want to view only Jon's accounts, I simply click on the new "Find" pull down menu below the main tabs and select "CA:Jon", and the page now displays only Jon's accounts.



Alternatively, I could create labels such as "Budget $1000+", "Chiropractors", or "Top Performer" for higher monthly budgets, chiropractors, and accounts that convert well or have a high Click Thru Rate.

There's more about this MCC Labels feature at the Official AdWords Blog. Check it out.

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