Why You Should Use Branded Videos in Your Content Marketing Strategy

Why You Should Use Branded Videos in Your Content Marketing Strategy

Often times, you hear people say that “content is king” and that the right content can propel your marketing strategy to new heights. With content being so important, differentiating yourself from competitors can be difficult. The key differentiator over the past year has been using video content to promote your brand and services. As of 2017, 63% of businesses will start using video content marketing and 99% will continue to use it past 2017. Video inherently is more inviting for a user interested in your offerings compared to reading blocks of text on an ‘About Us’ page. When we talk about video content marketing I am referring to YouTube videos, videos embedded into your website page and Youtube pre-roll ads.

The important part o note about video content is that you cannot be left behind compared to your competitors. Companies that start using video for their brand, will continue to use it for marketing. Below are 5 reasons why you should be using video to build your brand

Gaining Users’ Attention

The internet provides a ton of options for users, making it difficult to capture the attention of an audience. Since mobile traffic has surpassed desktop traffic, users have even more options at their disposal to distract them, such as social media and messaging. The likelihood of someone scrolling through a page for 10 minutes is low, while a 2-3 minute video summarizing the exact same topic can seem way more appealing to the user. 90% of consumers watch videos from their mobile devices and YouTube reports mobile viewership increases by 100% every year. A video removes the investment that person is putting in and allows them to stay on the site for longer.

It’s Sharable

Unlike written content, videos are more likely to be shared on multiple platforms to get you the maximum amount of traction. Posting branded videos to social platforms is a great way to maximize reach. The main objective of posting branded videos on other platforms is to get a link back to your website to increase traffic. One of the best examples of video and its sharing ability is Old Spice back in 2010. For years, Old spice was known for deodorant for old men. In 2010, Old Spice posted the famous “Old Spice Guy” commercial and within 30 days of the ad, Old Spice got over 40 million views on Youtube and an increase of 107% in body wash sales.

Google Loves its Own Products

Posting video content on YouTube and linking back to your site helps significantly with SEO. Videos embedded on website pages increase the page time on your site. The longer a visitor lingers on your page the more likely that your page will rank higher, since Google will identify your page as having good content. Statistics show that you are 53% more likely to show up on the first page of Google with a video embedded on your page. To get the best ranking, the video should be accompanied by a transcript of the video, and the keywords in the video should match the page you are linking to.

It’s important to remember that Youtube is owned by Google and they run very similarly in terms of its search algorithms, with titles and tags playing a major role in the YouTube search. YouTube is the second largest search engine behind Google with over 4 billion views per day; the audience is limitless and tying SEO and Youtube together allows for an optimal online marketing strategy.

Videos Create Trust

Video helps put a face and a personality behind your brand. On social media, brands will send out messages but rarely do followers get to see a face or a name associated with that message. Based on the stats, 57% of consumers have stated that watching videos gave them more confidence to purchase online. You can even see the effects of a branded video versus a text-only page by the amount of time the user spends on the page. On average a user spends about 57 seconds on a text-only website, versus 6 minutes on a website with video.

Videos Encourage Social Sharing

The great thing about video is the shareability factor it can bring. Branded videos do not have to be fact-based or heavy on stats to be effective. Studies have shown that 76% of users shared a branded video with a friend because it was entertaining. Branded videos that are entertaining will ignite emotions, and break down the barrier that implies your brand is a faceless logo trying to sell your products. Social shares will drive more traffic to your site which might not lead to conversions, but will lead people to your website where they can convert. The biggest hurdle is getting the user to hit play and go to your site; the landing environment needs to continue the same message the video had, but include more detail in order to drive conversions

To summarize, video content marketing is a trend that is gaining traction quickly and isn’t likely to go away. It’s easy to get started with video content; if you have a good phone, you can start recording content and chopping it up with editing tools. Always remember — content is king but creative video content is even better

To learn more about how to use videos to take your content marketing strategy to the next level, speak to an expert from TechWyse Internet Marketing today. Give us a call at 888.208.3095, or contact us here.

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