This Week: Google Comparison Snippets, Facebook’s Improved Pixel, and Differences between On-site & Off-site Content

This Week: Google Comparison Snippets, Facebook’s Improved Pixel, and Differences between On-site & Off-site Content

Happy Tuesday!

In today’s This Week in Internet Marketing, we’re covering Google's new Snippets feature that shows the differences and similarities of two things. We also look at the benefits of Facebook's automatic pixel version, five social media mistakes to avoid, and on-site vs off-site content. Lastly, we cover 15 best practices for designing a conversion boosting mobile landing page!

Google Has New Snippets for Comparison Searches

Google has introduced a new type of featured snippet dedicated to displaying more in-depth information about a topic. These new snippets detail the differences and similarities between two things. With an expandable panel, a user can click on drop-down tabs to view subtopics. The example provided by Google was a comparison between granite and quartz, with the group of subtopics including benefits, durability, weight, and cost.

In keeping with Google's goal of helping a searcher find the information they're seeking much after, you can expect more updates to roll out. It’s worth noting that these snippets are automatically generated, and no markup is required.

How to Take Advantage of Facebook’s Advanced Matching Pixel

Facebook’s Advanced Matching Pixel has been around since 2016. It gives advertisers the ability to connect customer data to Facebook campaigns, find their customers on the platform and target them. Not only that, but the pixel enabled an advertiser to reach potential customers with similar profiles to those of existing clients.

Earlier this month, Facebook launched an automatic version of the Pixel. The difference between the automatic version to the manual version is that an advertiser can use its own data to create an audience in Facebook. You can sync your data and match it with users on Facebook. The other difference is that you’ll be able to see who was exposed to your ads on Facebook and later converted. The advantage is a better understanding of how your Facebook marketing helped in the conversion process.

Ultimately, the more data you can collect about who your campaigns are working, the better.

5 Social Media Mistakes (Plus the Number One Mistake to Avoid)

While it’s essential for a brand to understand what to do in social media marketing, it’s just as important to know what not to do! Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

1) Lack of Research. Take the time to understand your audience. Determine what their critical pain points are and how your product helps them overcome these pain points.

2) Lack of a Plan. Planning is the best way to manage time and resources. With a plan in place, you’re more likely to get results because your efforts are working towards a goal.

3) Controversy. Avoid commenting or posting on controversial topics but keep your finger on the pulse of what is newsworthy. Spin current affairs that reflect positively on your brand.

4) Not Having the Right Systems in Place. Ask yourself do your channels help or hinder your marketing efforts? Can customers find you quickly and engage with you on the platforms you are on?

5) Inauthenticity. These days customers can see right through a brand and its facade. For this reason, customers will choose a brand that is authentic and unique. It’s crucial for a brand to be real because it builds credibility and trust.

The takeaway from these mistakes is to find ways to connect with your audience humanly. Focus on building a relationship with your customers so that they’ll continue to support your brand and stay loyal.

The Difference Between On-site Blog Content and Off-site Content

It’s true that well-written content on your site can help strengthen your brand and position as an expert in your industry, but producing offsite content can help your business as well. They may seem the same to create, but there are key differences between on-site and off-site content.

When done correctly, on-site content such as a blog can be beneficial in improving your page’s rankings. Blog content supports the customer’s journey while providing useful information. To create well-performing blog content, you should have a basic understanding of who your audience is. Speak to them like they are already interested in your product/service, and avoid any industry jargon so as not to alienate them. You’ll also want your blog content to differentiate your brand from the competition by highlighting what sets you apart.

Off-site content is different in that you’re not writing to appeal to customers but writers or publications. The goal is to drive authority to your website and increase your brand’s visibility. For this reason, you need to have an active outreach program in place. Write content pieces that will appeal to multiple industry publications. Stay relevant with what is in the news as this may be what journalists are looking for in content. Off-site content pieces shouldn’t be an advertorial but informative and unbiased.

15 Mobile Landing Page Best Practices Proven To Get Big Results

As more customers use their mobile devices to seek out new brands and products, here’s what you can do to boost mobile conversions with a mobile landing page. A landing page is a page that shows up when a customer clicks on a search result or ad and typically has one CTA. Design your mobile landing page specifically for mobile. Pages are created for desktop usage, and it’s not enough to have responsive design.

Ease of use is crucial to a landing page so incorporate a click-to-call button to make contacting your business easy and use sticky navigation. Keep all copy short and abbreviated. The point is to keep it brief but not eliminate key info. Keep use of visuals to a minimum and make the page fast! Stick to a single column layout and optimize forms for mobile. Filling out a form on a phone can be a deterrent so make sure to only ask for the necessary information.

The best-performing pages “grab attention, demand and action, and get a conversion.” For more mobile landing page tips, read Jacinda Santora’s full article here.


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