How to Use Video Marketing to Promote New Products

How to Use Video Marketing to Promote New Products

In an increasingly globalized marketplace, the competition for your target audience’s time, interest, attention, and money is more fierce than ever before. This can become especially challenging when you’re endeavoring to launch a new product.

As formidable as the task may seem at times, however, the good news is that marketers now have more tools than ever to capture and keep their most coveted customer bases. The most significant of these tools may well be that of video marketing like TikTok marketing. To make the most of video marketing by introducing and launching new products, though, there are some important tips and tricks you should know.

The Significance of Video Marketing

Though the most effective marketing plans are comprehensive (encompassing an array of platforms) from traditional broadcast and print media to social media and even experiential marketing, video marketing platforms should form the cornerstone of your product launch strategy for most target audiences.

The reason for this is simple. We live in the digital age, an era in which the vast majority of the population has become accustomed to getting their information online. This includes a vast and growing shift in consumer behavior toward online pre-purchase research.

In other words, now more than ever, consumers aren’t content to simply view a print ad, listen to a radio spot, or discover an item in-store. Rather, before laying down their hard-earned money, they’re turning to the internet to learn more about an unfamiliar product or service.

Studies show that, when consumers are researching a potential purchase, 69% prefer to learn about the item through video channels, as opposed to the mere 18% who want text-based information.

The Function of Video Product Launches

While consumers seem to favor video platforms when doing their pre-purchase research, these channels are particularly effective for product launches. Through video platforms, marketing can address the most salient questions that consumers will ask.

Specifically, potential buyers need to know what the product is, how it works, why they need it, and why the item is superior to other options on the market. No marketing platform is more effective, efficient, or engaging for addressing these questions than video.

However, videos don’t, and shouldn’t, serve as informational pieces only. Rather, video channels enable marketers to connect emotionally with their audience in ways that other media simply may not be capable of.

Even in the briefest of videos, skillful marketers can combine music, images, and storylines to create content that isn’t just attention-getting and compelling but that is also actionable and incentivizing. In other words, when video marketing is done well, it not only has the power to inform but also to inspire.

Making It Work

Video Marketing

Despite the enormous potential of video marketing for optimizing your product launch, not all marketing videos are created equal. Indeed, to use the platform effectively, you have to understand what works, as well as what doesn’t.

For instance, you are likely to be able to pack a great deal of information into a video without losing your audience’s attention, providing more detail than would perhaps be feasible or desirable in a text document. However, you will still need to be pretty mercenary in your content selections.

The most effective videos, for example, will be long enough to engage and inform your audience, but they should not be so long that your audience does not have the interest or the time to watch them in their entirety.

Because your target audience is likely to have limited time to devote to each viewing, categorizing or breaking up your video content can help ensure your videos get seen–and shared. For instance, you might devote one brief video to overviewing the new product, another to demonstrating specific features and functions, and another for setting up, using, and troubleshooting the product.

These video sequences can then be posted to a designated platform, such as your own branded YouTube channel to make the video library more readily accessible and easily searchable.

Additionally, your video content needs to be optimized for multiple platforms, because your target viewer is probably going to want to have the option to watch your video content on multiple devices, including tablets and smartphones.

Ensuring Efficacy

Video marketing is a powerful tool for launching new products, but that doesn’t mean the platform is foolproof. As in any marketing campaign, some content will simply work better than others in reaching and retaining your ideal audience.

That’s why it’s not going to be enough simply to create great video content. You will also need to analyze your content to determine how well it is performing. Tracking analytics can enable you to monitor not only the number of clicks your videos generate but also how your viewers respond to the video. This can help determine whether or not they watch the video to completion, and whether they click through to other videos or to embedded links that highlight your product catalog or online store.

Armed with such data analytics, you will be better prepared to make evidence-based decisions on how to modify your existing video marketing content or to create new materials in response to the needs, interests, and expectations of your target audience.

Not only is it important to continuously monitor the performance of your marketing content, but it’s also vital to recognize when it may be time to bring in an expert. For instance, recruiting an MBA holder in marketing, or even identifying and developing promising candidates for an MBA within your organization, will ensure that you have the human talent always on hand to create, innovate, and implement ultra high-level video-based product launches.

The Takeaway

Video marketing is rapidly becoming one of the most important tools in the marketer’s toolbox, as video platforms are particularly effective in launching new products. Not only do videos efficiently provide clear and comprehensive product information, but they also have the power to engage viewers on a deeply emotional level.

To make it work, though, content creators should consider how audiences will use their videos, keeping the content brief and ensuring compatibility across devices. It’s also imperative that marketers use analytics to evaluate content performance and to call in the experts, such as marketing MBAs, when an infusion of innovation is needed. When all of these important pieces are in place, video marketing can truly be a powerhouse for product launches.

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