6 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have a Blog

6 Reasons Why Your Business Should Have a Blog

You might be wondering why you should start blogging when you already have social media and CPC for your SEO. The truth is, there are many benefits that blogging can create for your business. In fact, your competitors may already have a blog thats working alongside their internet marketing to help their SEO rankings. If you haven’t considered blogging, you should probably start now because you might be missing out on some great leads.


Here are a few reasons why you should start!

seo power

1. Fuel your SEO

Google loves evergreen content. This content helps SEO because it’s relevant and helps readers. It’s important to note that your blog posts should be answering questions that people would search for and are relevant to your business. In fact, evergreen content can often help your company land on the top pages of the search engine results.  You can do this by including relevant keywords, topics, and information in your blog post. Google wants to provide relevant and useful information to their users, therefore, including keywords in your blog can make it easier for Google to direct people to your website.



2. Long-term Results

Businesses can still generate leads from blog posts that were posted years ago. Why? Because evergreen content stays relevant. This means that people are always searching and chances are, someone could be searching something your business have already blogged about. Blogging is a long-term advantage because it will rank you on search engines and continue to do so. These search results will continue bringing traffic and leads to your blog post.

When you create evergreen content, your information remains useful, even in a few years. For example, if you wrote a blog post about “What is Evergreen Content?”, when someone searches this 3 years down the road, your blog post will still remain useful and relevant. Since Google’s system can see that people are spending time on your blog post, Google will regard you as an useful resource and rank you higher on search result pages.


3. Be a Master at What you do

You should be able to answer any questions directed to you that is related to your business. By blogging, you will be answering questions that people may have regarding the services or products in your industry. When you have relevant blog content, it will help increase your legitimacy and showcase your skills and expertise. This way, people will turn to your company as a reliable resource.


Social Media: Relationships First, ROI Later

4. Build Relationships

Blogs have become a great way to engage with people. When you create useful and interesting blog posts, people tend to share them with their friends. Blog topics can often help to generate discussion, which allows you to interact and connect with people. Keep in mind responding to comments is just as important as having evergreen content because there could be a prospective customer commenting on your posts.


5. Put a Face to Your Brand

This doesn't literally mean having a specific face to your business. What this entails is the idea of creating personality to your brand. Sometimes, your blog posts don’t have to answer a specific question. When the only blog posts from your company revolves around business terms and industry news, your blog may seem very robotic and unlively. Try blogging about your why you started your business, your employees, company mission, vision, and values. Let people get to know your business at a personal level.


 6. Establish Trust

You business blog should be updated consistently and frequently with fresh information. You want to create Youtility (as in Jay Baer's book, Youtility) for your visitors when they visit your blog. Frequently updating your blog will show a personal side of your company that is genuinely trying to help. By avoiding blog posts about promotional offers and bragging about your business, your company shows that you have the consumer’s best interest in mind. This can help readers to establish a trust towards your business. Of course, when your blog posts are reliable and useful, people will begin to trust you too. So don't stop blogging and updating, because you need to maintain and grow the trust!


Blogging is very beneficial when it comes to increasing leads, helping your SEO, and building trust. There are many more benefits to blogging than the ones mentioned. What are some additional benefits of blogging that businesses can benefit from?

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