Where Do All Of My Facebook Likes Come From?

Where Do All Of My Facebook Likes Come From?

The proof of any successful corporate Facebook page is the amount of fans that page has. That is to say, the more likes that your page gets, the better you are doing at building an online community for your business. Having a loyal fanbase is important, but equally important is understanding where those likes came from. If you have every looked at your company Facebook page and wondered, “Where did all of these likes come from?”, then read on!

Where Do All Of My Facebook Likes Come From?

Also on TechWyse:

Google +1 vs. Facebook Like - A Detailed Overview
How to Get 1000 Likes on Your Facebook Fan Page in Four Weeks

Facebook has a comprehensive data reporting platform for your Facebook page, called the “Insights” section of your page. Here, you can learn a lot about your pages fans, friends of fans and so much more, but for this blog entry, we will be focusing on the “Likes” section of Facebook Insights.

To access information about your business’s Facebook page likes, follow the 2 steps below:

1. Navigate to any Facebook page which you manage and then look for the line graph inside the admin panel above your page’s cover photo in the section titled, “Insights” and click “See All.”

Note: You cannot access Insights for any page that has less than 30 fans, so start spreading the word about your Facebook page today!

2. Once you arrive on the Insights Overview page, click the “Likes” link in the navigation menu that runs across the top of the page.

Facebook Page Likes Insights

Now that you have arrived at the Likes section of the Insights page, you are presented with many details about your fans. Please refer to the attached diagram, where I have numbered each section of the page. Below, each section is outlined in greater detail!

Facebook Page Likes Insights


Below, is the Insights Likes section deconstructed:

  1. Navigation Menu - This is the main navigation menu for the Facebook Insights Page

  2. Date Range Selection - This is where you specify the date range from which the page data is formulated.

  3. Export Data Button - This will allow you to export your Facebook Page data for use externally. You get some choices in what data you’d like to export too. When exporting data you can choose what format you’d like it in (.XLS or .CSV); what type of data you’d like (Page level, or individual post level); and the start end dates that you’d like to use.

  4. Settings Tab - Clicking this tab will allow you to Take a Tour of the page, Jump to the Facebook Help Center, or Send Feedback to Facebook.

  5. Demographics - This graph breaks down your page’s fans by sex and age.


  6. Countries - This is a list of the countries where your page’s fans are from.

  7. Cities - This is a list of the cities where your fans are from.

  8. Languages - This is a list of the default language setting for each fan.

  9. Likes & Unlikes Graph - This is a graphical representation of who liked (or unlinked) your page on a given day. Hover over each node with your mouse to gain more insight about a particular day.

  10. Like Sources - This list is a breakdown of your Facebook page’s likes based on where they happened. Use this list to determine where you can be trying harder to reach fans.

Getting likes is what Facebook marketing is all about and knowing where all of those likes came from (or where the missing ones went) is powerful knowledge that should be used to identify where your are succeeding and where you are failing in your online community building efforts. Explore the insights section and look there often in order to stay on top of that is happening on your business’s Facebook Page. Thanks for reading, I hope that you enjoyed learning about where your Facebook likes come from!

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  • avatar

    I have enjoyed reading this blog post 🙂 The likes topic has always had be interested. 🙂

  • avatar

    Mustnabs, I´m pretty sure those groups violate Facebook´s TOS, so you can report them.
    I just wish Facebook would let us see more information about where exactly a person was exposed to our page. As in if they saw an ad, or if a friend liked our page, or if someone shared it on their timeline or a group, etc.
    And I´m even more interested in the “talking about this” metric. If we could know what people are saying about out business, we would be able to react and adapt.

  • avatar

    Thanks for this article, I have a couple of Facebook pages that I am always trying to garner more ‘likes’ for. I found the FB ad’s system really helpful – you could set a tiny advertising budget and still get a good number of hits and new likes over time, but you have to sound appealing! good photo’s always help.

  • avatar

    Wow! I never knew you could do this! Thanks for showing me, going to go have a look at mine now! 🙂

  • avatar

    This is really useful. I had no idea that the information about where likes were coming from along with their default language and other information was available.

  • avatar


    Yeah, very informative post, thanks. I especially had no idea you could check “unlikes”. In the world of marketing this kind of stuff is super important to know.

  • avatar

    It is very useful for the business. Knowing who the user is and where the user come come is a good thing to know. The unlike feature is also a cool one.

  • avatar

    I heard people can send FaceBook fan page likes from social exchange hits sites. So I wouldn’t think that all FaceBook pages are legitimate.

  • avatar

    This is very much relative information for any business owner both small and large. The demographics information gives viewers much “insight” into who is “liking” their company. This way they can further reach their target market. Likes are indeed positive for any company, therefore in order for a company to build upon the positive reinforcement it has received; it is great that Facebook has created an interface that truly helps businesses determine who they are reaching.

  • avatar

    I was reading the other day that each like on a companies page can be worth around £128 each.

  • avatar


    We live in a world where social media marketing plays an important role in the success of a company. Utilization of these social media sites could make or break your company. I firmly believe that Facebook is one of those social media sites where companies, big or small, should allocate a budget to promote their company. Even things like a “like”, a “share”, or a “comment” are important since it spreads your company through the news feed.
    Things have changed. I remember the time when companies would focus on TV ads to promote their business. I hope social media marketing will stay for a long time in the industry.
    Thank you for sharing your insights regarding this topic. I would like to read more from you!

  • avatar

    This explains so much! thanks for the write up

  • avatar

    This is really useful information. I always wondered about who liked my page but I didn’t know how to find out. It will really help me to learn who likes my page and will help my marketing.

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