How To Get 1000 Likes On Your Facebook Fan Page In Four Weeks

How To Get 1000 Likes On Your Facebook Fan Page In Four Weeks

Increasing your fan base to 1,000 in one month is hardly unattainable; however, it will take time and hard work. You will be required to commit to the page every day. Any day you do not work on your Facebook page is one day further you are away from your goal.

For those of you who have not yet started, you must create a Facebook page. As you are creating the page, choose a vanity URL which is representative of your company, brand, promotion, etc. You want to make it easy to remember to ensure people return with great frequency and so it is easier to share. It is imperative to create and publish an appealing cover photo. Over time, you can make the page more like a website by using apps and widgets. A good place to start promoting your page is by asking your friends to like and share your page.

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The content of your page should be information which is helpful to your community and information of which they are interested. Posting such information will entice members of your community to share your posts which will reach everyone in their community who may share the posting, as well; thus reaching your goal far more quickly. Posting once a day is acceptable; however, posting twice a day will get you there faster.

Edge Rank

Few people understand or appreciate Facebook’s Edge Rank algorithm. This ranking will determine whether or not your postings will be seen in the news feed of companies and your community. Facebook has never actually publicly released this algorithm; however, much speculation exists around the underlying premise. It is crucial to engage users as much as possible. You want your community to like, comment, and share your postings. You should also consider which type of postings are most effective for your fanpage. A strategy which works for a brand may not work well for a small business. The community will tell you the types of postings they prefer if you listen and pay attention which will also bring you closer to your goal.

Outside your Facebook page

It is imperative that you reach out to people outside of your page and Facebook, as well. Find other established communities with similar interests to yours and become an active member of their community. People will look into your page simply out of curiosity and return for the content. Do not neglect your website. Add a like box and like button to your website so visitors are easily able to find you and like you. You should also perform link building wherever possible outside of Facebook to direct people back to your page. This will increase your Edge Rank exponentially and enhance your search engine ranking.

Reaching 1,000 fans in one month is a challenge; however, it is possible. Spend part of each day reaching out to the Facebook community, posting, and creating links to your page from outside sources to reach 1,000 fans in no time.

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  • avatar

    Interesting article.
    I have in fact managed to reach 1.000 fans/likes on my Facebook fan page in 29 days.
    And I have not any website up and running – yet. So this is encouraging.
    My Facebook page is growing steadily so I hope to reach over 10.000 within the year.
    I am wondering if the growth will escalate as it gets bigger.

  • avatar

    Purchasing has its downside, and is not productive. A page is meant to clog up interested people which you can relate to easily and help your establishment. If these people came on their own, they would have genuine responses and be more intrigued about anything new that you want to share.
    Nice read. These tips don’t seem difficult at all, i would apply them.

  • avatar

    Getting the attention of our visitors/fans for the new posts and prompting them to share the posts/page among their friends speeds up the likes and popularity of the page. This is challenging and reaching the goal gives the sense of happiness.
    But I see some go for a shortcut in purchasing the likes in order to gain popularity sooner.

  • avatar

    Nice thinking!

  • avatar

    Thanks for the information. There are so many ways to utilize Facebook, that it can be overwhelming at first. I will definitely be implementing this into my Facebook marketing.

  • avatar

    Thank you Monica for this post. Your explanation of how a person can reach 1000 fans in 30 days is encouraging. I think that I was not thinking that by posting twice a day, reaching out to other big communities and backlinking it could be possible to build such a following on Facebook.

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    james deals at uk 


    I have just started to pay attention to the days/times when my audience responds. I will be posting at certain times of the day that I know my readers are online.
    thanks for great post

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