6 Reasons Your Facebook Ads Won’t Convert

6 Reasons Your Facebook Ads Won’t Convert

You’re a small business owner, and your goal is the same as every other business owner out there — gain more leads, and grow your business. And in this digital age, internet marketing is one of the best ways to do just that. So, you set up some lead generation ads, advertise it on both Facebook and Instagram, and after the first month, disappointment hits.

Your reach is high, but your cost per lead is through the roof. What did you do wrong?

Well, let's dive into some common problems that limit the performance of your Facebook advertisements, and how we can fix it to help deliver a healthy ROI for your business.

Targeting the Wrong Demographics

First and foremost, make sure you are targetting the right audience. If you’re a business with many different product or service offerings, don’t just apply the same ad set from your last campaign. What worked for some products, may not work for others.

Often, many paid media experts will generate a user persona and then target users on Facebook though ideal and compatible interests and behaviours. You may take the same approach when creating your Facebook ads, but it’s important to note that sometimes this doesn’t achieve the conversion rate you desire — it often targets users that are very early in their purchase journey.

An effective way to combat this is by targeting users that are further along, and past the awareness stage. To do this, we suggest targeting users who have already shown interest in your business. Facebook helps with this targeting process in the following ways:

  • Retargeting audience (users that have interacted with your ads in the past)
  • Facebook lookalike audience (using a group of 1K to 50K of your customer database)
  • Integrate your mailing list
  • Users that have interacted with your website or profile page

Finding the Right People at the Wrong Time

Often times, marketers will create a generic Facebook Ad and broadcast to all potential customers.

The issue with this is that it limits your conversion rate, as different sets of ad copy work for different users that exist within different stages of the marketing funnel.

For example, an ad for an e-commerce company that is looking for users to convert a sale by adding a product to their cart, may not convert well if it’s being displayed to users that are considered in to be in the awareness stage.

Forunately, Facebook Ads manager enables you to set campaign objectives that allow you to create ads that are geared towards each stage of the marketing funnel: Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion.

So create a few different ad sets, and hit your potential customers with the right ad at the right time.

Don’t consistently broadcast the same ad all the time; deliver a series of ads that helps provide a natural path through the typical customer journey.

Creating multiple ads geared towards each stage of users in the marketing funnel, well help deliver a better performing conversion rate.

Targetting is Too Broad

Facebook is very good with its detailed targeting tool. So why not use it?

Sometimes it can be difficult to narrow down a potential audience based on their interests and behaviours, and you can be left with a broad reach of 500K or more. For obvious reasons, having a reach this large will severely limit the rate of your conversions.

Do your homework, and create specific ads that really narrow down on a certain product or service you’re looking to sell. The more research you do, the more data you will collect that will help narrow down your target audience group.

Facebook’s detailed targeting feature helps to pick a certain interest, narrow it further, and then match it with another interest criteria. Narrowing down your reach will help send your ads to a smaller, but more qualified audience.

Lacks Any Clear CTA

You have one chance to get in front of your audience, and naturally, you’ll try and slam in as much information possible; you’ll talk about how great your company is, and why they should be your customer.

The problem that often exists, is you lack any clear call-to-action. If your goal is to lead users to your website, make it clear.

If you’re sending them to your website, you need to ensure the landing environment aligns with your intended goals.

If the goal of your ad is to generate a lead, finish your ad copy with a clear CTA and ask them to “request more information” or “book a consultation”.

Don’t confuse your audience with complicated ads that tell them to like, share, sign up, and visit your website. You’ll want a simple ad with a direct objective and clear CTA to convert your audience.

Facebook Ads Relevance Scores Are Low

It’s important to align your Facebook Ads as close as possible to your target audience. Once your audience set is final, make sure your ad copy, visual assets, and CTA are all content that your audience will find relevant.

For example, if you offer accounting services to help older individuals financial services for retirement, you should use that in your ad copy. Offer a simple CTA such as lead generation form, or a call now button.

With ads that match your audience, Facebook will award you a higher relevancy score and charge you less per impression. With the more impressions you have, the more conversions you will create.

The takeaway: design ads that have a clear marketing strategy behind it, and Facebook will reward you!

Take advantage of Facebook Pixel

Every ad you create on Facebook should be utilizing a Facebook Pixel; this will help you track your conversions. It will also enable you to create more targeted ads, and as discussed earlier, advertise to your audience during the right time of their customer journey.

Facebook Pixel will help create more conversions, as it has the power to:

1. Track Conversions: Track the actions users take when interacting with your ad

  1. Optimize Bids: Helps Facebook automatically allocate budget to ad sets more like to convert
  2. Remarketing: Track visitors who don’t convert at first with more specific ads
    4. Build a better audience: Pixel can help draft a lookalike audience that compares to your existing customer base

In Conclusion

Facebook Ads manager can be as simple if you need it to be, or as sophisticated as you’d like. Creating generic Facebook ads, that don’t utilize Facebook’s advanced targeting capabilities will limit your success. So, draft a solid strategy, do your homework and create powerful ads that are designed to convert to the right people, at the right time. Use these few tips, and reach your goals with a steady increase in conversions.

For more information about how to drive more conversions using social media, speak to a digital marketing expert at TechWyse by calling 866.288.6046 or contact us here.

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