Top 5 SEO Plugins for WordPress

Top 5 SEO Plugins for WordPress

When it comes to proper SEO, tools can make or break your site. Without proper information regarding your SEO strategies, the effectiveness of your current strategy, and where you stand with your SEO strategies, you may find it hard to properly tweak your site for better ranking amongst search engines. If you are utilizing the ease and functionality of WordPress for your site, there are tools that can assure you are properly informed for optimization and a better presence on the internet. Below are 5 of the top WordPress plugins that will help you keep your site and content to achieve better SEO results.

All in One SEO Pack:

This is the most popular plugin for WordPress SEO assistance. The All in One SEO Pack automatically generates meta-tags to optimize web page titles. For advanced users, other options include the ability to customize post titles, URL structures, optimize descriptions and tags for each individual post. It is also the only plugin that offers SEO integration for sites using WordPress e-Commerce.

SEO Ultimate:

This plugin has all the bells and whistles needed for proper SEO. The tools included give the site owner more control over the files that affect SEO and page indexing. Some of the tools include a title tag rewriter, meta-description editor, meta-keywords editor, and even their Deeplink Juggernaut, which searches your content for anchor texts you specify and automatically links them to the destination you want, in turn creating internal links automatically.

SEO Content Control:

The content on your site is extremely important for SEO. With this plugin, you will know where your weak points are in your content so you can easily address the issue and increase your SEO. For instance, if you forget to add a meta-description or if your site has duplicate internal content, the tool will tell you. This will allow you to remove the problem areas or correct them and make your site more appealing to both your traffic and search engines.

SEO Smart Links:

This is a time saving plugin that will automatically link keywords and phrases based on previously posted content on your site. This will automatically create internal links. The plugin also allows you to control link attributes such as creating nofollow links or opening links in a new browser window or tab. Without this plugin you would have to go through the post and add your link attributes and identify the keywords for internal links which is time consuming.

Platinum SEO Pack:

This plugin boasts a wide range of tools to assist in optimizing your SEO. A few features included are optimizing page posts and titles for search engines, automatically generating meta-tags, avoiding duplicate content on your site, and automatically changing permalinks. It is designed for easy use and many of the changes you need to make can be accomplished automatically within the Settings menu.

Where websites are concerned, proper SEO determines your place on the internet. If you have a WordPress site that could use more SEO optimization and more traffic, consider these plugins to find where you are lacking, control your posts, and make yourself known online.

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