This Week In Internet Marketing 2017 03 28

This Week In Internet Marketing 2017 03 28

Hello and Happy Tuesday!

This week in Internet marketing, we’ve gathered some of the most interesting and thought-provoking articles from across the web. We’re looking at eliciting emotion in Facebook ads, as well as audience targeting for SEO, and common content writing mistakes. We’re also looking at on-page local SEO tips, and how to pinpoint and address common site issues.

12 Genius Ways to Apply Emotional Marketing to Facebook Ads


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There are a variety of tactics you can use to create compelling and engaging Facebook ads. This article suggests using the power of emotion in your ads to improve performance and drive results. Use FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) by highlighting the number of people using your product or service, or posing a question, for example. Elicit excitement in the user with short, clear ad copy, bright colours and exciting images. Creating feelings of curiosity and happiness can help you to increase shares and drive clicks, and eliciting hope, urgency, surprise and belonging can help you to boost conversions. All of the above tips will help you to improve your bottom line through Facebook advertising.

5 Important Audience Targeting Tips for Your SEO Campaign


Driving traffic to your site positively reflects on your SEO campaign -- however, if you're failing to produce conversions or generate leads, you could benefit from audience targeting. Be sure to target the right niche that is most likely to be interested in your products or services. Segment your audience based on the different stages of the buying cycle, and generate a list of long-tail keywords that would appeal to your target audience. Lastly, learn more about your target audience by monitoring trending topics, and understand their search habits in order to optimize your SEO campaigns.

Content Underperforming? 3 Problems That Could Derail Your Success


Content marketing requires time and effort in order to be successful. This article outlines some common mistakes made by marketers that cause content to underperform. Avoid overly promotional content that forces mentions of your products or services -- instead, write informational content on the benefits of your products or services. Ensure your content is professionally written and free of spelling errors and inaccuracies. Writing content that reads and flows well will help you to create trust with your audience. Lastly, create content with original and unique insights to establish your position as an industry leader.

10 On Page Local SEO Factors That Will Improve Your Local Business Ranking


Your on-page SEO efforts can have a significant impact on your local ranking. This article outlines the best information to include in your schema markup to boost your local search presence. Include your business's complete and accurate address, contact information and business hours on your website. Your business name should also be clearly visible and consistent across all directories and platforms. Include your business logo to boost your local search presence, and add a short description of your business that search engines can easily extract. Pick a business category and list affiliated websites, and imbed a Google Map with your location directly on your website.

3 Steps to Overcoming Site Issues That Impact Performance


An unresponsive, slow or ill-designed website can negatively impact conversions, ranking and brand reputation. Performing a site audit can help you to pinpoint and address these problems. In order to successfully audit your site, there are several tips to keep in mind. Check your site's page speed, and keep an eye out for redirects and broken links. Focus on issues that impact ranking and usability, such as redirects, error pages or broken links. Next, optimize content to include keywords -- and remove any duplicate or thin content.  It's important to also ensure all SEO best practices have been implemented, such as meta descriptions and schema markup.

Check out these additional articles for more Internet marketing news!

4 Advanced Targeting Strategies for B2B Marketers

When Google Exact Match Isn't Exact Match... And What It Means in Practice

Google Display Ads to Show Location Extensions for Local Businesses

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