This Week: Instagram Marketing, Content Marketing, Page Speed Optimization, and Call Tracking

This Week In Internet Marketing

Happy Tuesday,

This week we are back with more internet marketing news! Today we will look at creating an Instagram strategy with user-generated content, different tech tools used by content marketers, and the silent killers of loading time and how we can fix them. Lastly, we'll look at how to make remarketing with call tracking is more effective and less annoying, and the difference between key digital marketing terms.

Here are some updates and news on internet marketing for improving our SEO skills!

How to Create an Instagram Content Strategy With User-Generated Content

Instagram marketing has been around for quite some time, and it is no surprise that it gets quality traffic.

Marketers are continuously looking for methods and strategies to up their game on the platform. Creating rich content is essential to stay in the game. Consumers find user-generated content more trustworthy than branded advertising by a wide margin. So why not use them? Coming up with diverse and compelling visual content to keep your Instagram account active can be challenging. The platform is getting crowded too. So how can we use UGC for your brand to help grow your Instagram presence?

User-Generated Content for Instagram

In the article, you’ll learn how to develop a customer-centred user-generated Instagram content strategy.

175+ Favorite Tech Tools of Content Marketers

As marketers, if you are looking for success in content marketing, you've got to use the right tech tools for your campaigns. You must be well versed in the different tools on offer to improve the efficiency and quality of your content. Guarantee tech success by choosing technologies well suited to your content requirements. With the expansion of tech options every day, selecting the optimal choice can get pretty complicated. A well-planned strategy with proper research to determine the solutions that best fit your needs remains the best way to sort through the various options.

175 favorite tech tools

Want to be a better, more productive content marketer? Read the article to get quality insight on the different tools used by top content marketers!

The silent killers of loading time and how to fix them

Advancement in technology has decreased the tolerance level in many of us. So, if you visit a site and if it is taking too long to load, it is quite natural for you to hover the mouse to the top right corner. Nobody has time these days. Although your website may have cool features and a lightening speed chat response with slow loading time, none of it will matter. Low loading sites impact your SEO because it affects how Google sees your page. Your content may be excellent, but speed can change how your content performs in search! So, what exactly are the factors that affect your loading time?

Loading Speed

Read the article to find out some of the most common and uncommon causes.

Make your remarketing more effective and less annoying with call tracking data

As marketers, we need to understand the importance of remarketing in business. Using remarketing helps you stay top-of-mind with customers and draw potential buyers. So what exactly do we mean by remarketing? It is about reconnecting with customers and prospects after they have interacted with your brand. It can be a combination of email, paid digital media, direct mail and more. Remarketing works well if you put the customer experience above all.

Call tracking for better customer experience

In the article, you will see how you can make the customer experience better using call tracking data!

SEM vs. SEO vs. PPC: Defining Key Digital Marketing Terms

We come across digital marketing terms and wonder how they differ from each other. Although there are many differences among them, they are all vital for each other. The most crucial reason for clarification of these terms and abbreviations is consistency. Most marketers who aren't specialists in maximizing value through search have adopted these definitions, combined them, confused them, and used them in a way that further diluted their actual meaning.

sem vs .seo vs. ppc

Read the article to educate yourself about these terms and how they differ from each other!

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