This Week In Internet Marketing 2016 10 04

This Week In Internet Marketing 2016 10 04

Hello and Happy Tuesday!

This week in Internet marketing, we’ve gathered some of best and most interesting articles from across the web. We’re looking at SEO tips for local B2B companies, as well as strategies to grow profits through social media, and important metrics to track in your SEO campaign. We’re also looking at the impact of call tracking on PPC campaigns, as well as how to create skyscraper content.

The 4 Surprising SEO Factors That Determine Local B2B Success

SEO Factors for Local B2B Success

Understanding which SEO factors increase SERP ranking for local B2B companies can assist in driving traffic, growing leads and boosting revenue. This study found that for the most common B2B sectors, there were four SEO factors that had a significant impact on ranking: Referring domains, Google reviews, number of pages and page title tag. Implementing a few simple tactics to improve these factors will help B2B companies outrank their top competitors. Update your linking strategy to grow links from local directories and local suppliers, for example, and increase pages by creating service pages and blog posts. As well, increase Google reviews by reaching out to your top clients . Lastly, revise on-page elements by adding both location and industry to your site’s page title tag, for example.

What Does a Profitable Social Media Sales Funnel Look Like?

Marketers tend to think of social media as a tool for brand awareness – not as a source of conversions or revenue. However, this article details how social media campaigns can help drive all aspects of the sales funnel from awareness to purchase and loyalty, and there are a few simple strategies you can implement to generate revenue from your social media campaigns. Use retargeting ads to remind one-time visitors of a product or service they engaged with, and focus on crafting posts that strengthen the relationship with current customers. Whether you choose Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest, these strategies will help you boost conversions.

6 Critical Metrics to Add to Your SEO Campaigns

SEO Campaign Metrics

Tracking a variety of metrics when managing your SEO campaign will help you achieve a comprehensive view of which tactics are assisting you in reaching your goals and which need more work. You should monitor time on-page, an indicator of engagement and driver of organic visibility, and site usability to ensure your website is creating a positive user experience. Track conversion rates and monitor traffic by device. As well, the more frequently Google crawls your site, the more effective your digital marketing campaign is, so it's important to track crawl data. Lastly, measure returning visitors to ensure your content is keeping viewers interested.

Why Call Tracking Helps Improve PPC Lead Generation Account Performance

Call Tracking and PPC Lead Generation

Phone leads help thrust the sales funnel into motion, and call-tracking helps to drive conversions, ultimately improving the performance of paid search campaigns. It’s difficult to track the source or keyword that led a user to convert through a phone call. With call tracking, this information is available. Call-tracking can help your PPC campaign generate leads by improving the conversion funnel through phone routing, classification of leads and transcripts, which provide insight into the backend conversion funnel. Choosing the best platform, bidding appropriately and optimizing conversion rate are all ways call tracking improves PPC campaigns.

Aim for the Stars: Create Truly Killer Skyscraper Content

Skyscraper Technique

If you’re creating valuable and engaging content that isn’t generating traffic, you might consider attempting the “Skyscraper Technique.” Creating content for the sole purpose of building backlinks can help you to quickly generate organic traffic. Find valuable content that is already generating engagement and build onto it with updated information, fresh value and a new take, like an ever-growing skyscraper, to create a new and comprehensive piece of content. Ensure you promote your content and reach out to publishers who linked to the original content to build backlinks. All of these efforts will help you to drive traffic to your site.

Check out these additional articles for more Internet marketing news!

Lead Generation Metrics You Should Be Aware Of

How to Increase Website Traffic (Without Building Links or Adding New Content)

How to Build Backlinks Using Your Competitor's Broken Pages

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