This Week In Internet Marketing 2016 07 05

This Week In Internet Marketing

Hello and Happy Tuesday!

This week, we’ve gathered some of the best and most helpful articles from across the web. We’re looking the connection between user experience and SEO, as well as how you can create engaging content for boring industries, and tips on improving your landing pages for more conversions. We’re also looking at types of keywords to better your SEO strategy, and how fresh content influences your rankings on Google.

Where SEO and User Experience (UX) Collide

UX And SEO Collide

Search engine optimization and user experience are quite similar. When it comes to their objective and goals, they are both user-focused. Some may argue that SEO is only focused on ranking on search engines, but part of SEO is satisfying the user. When users are more engaged with your website and content, it can boost your SEO. So, where does UX come into play? By optimizing your website's UX. such as content optimization and site speed, it can increase engagement and keep users on your site longer.

How to Get Content Marketing to Work for Brands in Boring Spaces

Brands In Boring Spaces

Did you know that 27 million pieces of content are being shared every day? Attracting visitors to your site is extremely difficult and keeping them engaged is even harder. For businesses in a boring industry, creating compelling content becomes a greater challenge. To attract users and keep them engaged, your content needs to be visually appealing, showcase your expertise in the industry, or seek professional help from an agency or consultant.

4 Characteristics High Converting Landing Pages Have in Common

High Converting Landing Pages

There are many articles online about creating the "perfect" landing page that can drive the best results. However, there is no such thing as a perfect landing page. Things on the Internet are constantly changing, which thus, alters the way we consume information. In order to increase your chances of developing a high converting landing page, it's important to analyze your pages, A/B test, and make appropriate tweaks.

7 Types of Keywords to Boost your SEO Strategy

Keywords To Boost SEO Strategy

Keywords are a critical part of your SEO campaign. Defining which terms to target and how to target them can either make or break your SEO rankings. When categorizing your keywords, you need to determine which types of keywords to use and how they can be used in your SEO strategy. From market-defining keywords to geotargeted keywords, investigate and analyze to uncover keywords that can optimize your site and boost your rankings.

10 Illustrations of How Fresh Content May Influence Google Rankings (Updated)

Fresh Content Influence Google Rankings

Is freshness a ranking signal that can affect your rankings? In SEO, we often create content that is evergreen. However, different searches have different freshness needs. For example, an article on Olympics 2016 needs to be fresh and recent. However, tips on improving your health won't necessarily need to be "fresh." When it comes to creating content that ranks, it's about being relevant and most important, useful.

Check out these additional articles for more Internet marketing news!

How to maintain content marketing focus in long-running SEO programs

Top 5 Reasons Why People Share Content On Facebook

How to use images to bring real-world credibility to your digital presence

The 7 Deadly Sins Of Ad Re-Targeting

It's a competitive market. Contact us to learn how you can stand out from the crowd.

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  • avatar

    Nice compilation! “Creating engaging content for boring industries” is certainly a struggle. I really liked your point about making quality classic content instead of “fresh” trendy articles.

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