This Week In Internet Marketing 2016 01 26

This Week In Internet Marketing

Hello and Happy Tuesday!

This week in internet marketing, we’ve gathered some of the best stories and articles from the web. We’re looking at the template Google uses to judge your brand, as well as the most compelling reasons to be making use of Facebook ads, and some words of caution around your social media strategy. We're also looking at tips for assessing your mix of marketing tactics and potentially reassessing your priorities, and metrics for measuring content marketing.

Is Google Judging you Based on a Template?

Is Google Judging You Based On A Template?

The truth is, yes, Google is judging you, your business and your digital brand as thoroughly as possible. The good news is that there are patterns and consistencies in the way the search engine assesses brands, so by analyzing performance and rankings within your industry and among your competitors, you can learn to use Google's template to your advantage. Get informed, learn from historical analysis, understand the kind of content that's most worth your while, and you will see results. Successful SEO isn't magic, in fact, it's totally attainable.

9 Smart Reasons you Need to be Using Facebook Ads Now

Here are the facts: The average person spends 1.72 hours each day on social media, and Facebook continues to be the largest, most visited of all social media platforms. There are more than one billion users logging in to Facebook every day. But somehow, there are only 2 million active advertisers on Facebook. And having a business page is no longer enough -- Facebook has strategically reduced the presence of business pages, making paid advertising essential. But the good news is that it doesn't require a huge budget to get your brand in front of a large audience, plus there's plenty of opportunity to cleverly target your ads.

The Hidden Social Media Dangers for all Businesses

The Hidden Social Media Dangers For All Businesses

Social media is a great and mighty force for connecting communities, promoting movements, raising awareness, and building brands. It can be an invaluable tool for a company, but if it's not used carefully, it can also cause disaster. From typos to slip-ups to intentional leaks from disgruntled ex-employees, there's a lot of room for error in the content you publish on social media. Not to mention bad behaviour from competitors, internet trolls and even hackers. These situations can be managed and often avoided, which is why it's important to practice caution and to have forethought before diving into the social media pool.

Creating the Right Marketing Mix

Creating The Right Marketing Mix

In's latest Whiteboard Friday, learn techniques for auditing your marketing funnel to ensure you're using the most effective strategies for your brand. It's essential to invest in the right ways and to make the most of your business's energy and resources. For example, a lot of businesses are spending too much on building first visits and awareness and very little on recidivism and retention. The key is to identify where you're having trouble in your funnel, to articulate your goals, and then consider reallocating some of your resources. It's not a simple calculation, but with a little research and analysis, you can make savvier decisions about your strategy.

6 Metrics to Measure for Content Marketing ROI

Content marketing is a slow burn, so it can be tricky to gauge the return and measure your success. There are some straightforward metrics, like conversions and sales, higher SEO rankings and increased traffic. There are many marketing strategies for improving your metrics across the board, but the foundation of any successful online brand is quality and relevant content.

Check out these additional articles for more Internet marketing news!

Google's Next Penguin Update to Happen Within "Weeks"

It's a competitive market. Contact us to learn how you can stand out from the crowd.

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