This Week In Internet Marketing 2015 12 08

Internet Marketing News And Updates

This Week in Internet Marketing, we've gathered some of the best stories from the web. We're going to look at ways to improve your YouTube organic reach, the do's and don'ts of retargeting, and design principles that will increase your email newsletter conversion. We'll also be looking at portraying trust on your landing pages and mobile trends to watch in 2016.

5 Ways to Improve Your YouTube Organic Reach


Youtube is an extremely powerful place to attract customers for your business. As the second largest search engine with over one billion users, YouTube is a must in your marketing tactics. Since YouTube videos are incorporated in Google search results, the power of YouTube cannot be ignored if you want to reach locally and globally. In order to improve your YouTube organic reach, building your channel reputation and keyword optimization is crucial. If you want to improve the performance and reach of your YouTube videos, check out these 5 useful tips in the article.

The Do's and Don'ts of Retargeting

The Do’s and Don’ts of Retargeting

Often times, consumers come to your website and leave before converting. In order to capture these missed opportunities, businesses and marketers have used retargeting to guide visitors back to the website. Although remarketing is a popular strategy to be implemented, there are right and wrong ways to retarget. In fact, if you've implemented the strategy incorrectly or targeted the wrong audience, it could cost you money. If you're not generating optimal results, you may want to revisit your targeting options. Take a look at this article for some of the do's and don'ts of retargeting.

10 Design Principles That Will Increase Your Email Newsletter Conversions

10 Design Principles That Will Increase Your Email Newsletter Conversions

Although social media and other forms of marketing strategies are dominating, email marketing continues to be one of the best ways to deliver relevant and personal messages to your customers. Your email newsletter allows you to customize a personal message and includes valuable content that can trigger an action from your email subscribers. The design of your email newsletter plays a critical role in encouraging subscribers to open your email and convert. Take a look at this article to see how you can make the reader's path to conversion smoother with your email newsletter design.

How to Evoke Trust on Your Landing Pages

How To Evoke Trust On Landing Pages

Trust is important for both businesses and consumers. When a customer trusts your business, they believe you are reliable, honest, effective, and good. This makes trust an important emotional trigger that can influence consumers to take action and buy from your business. Being trusted by people is extremely beneficial to your business because it increases brand loyalty and customer development. When customers trust your business, they're opening an opportunity for you to build a relationship with them. Take a look at this article to see how you can improve your landing pages to evoke trust and improve conversions.

4 Hot Mobile Marketing Trends to Watch in 2016

Mobile Marketing Trends

With 2016 just around the corner, businesses and marketers need to start thinking about their 2016 marketing strategy. In 2015, mobile marketing emerged and became a critical strategy to consider. There is no doubt that mobile device usage will continue to increase in the new year. In fact, we can be sure that 2016 will be another year full of mobile potential and businesses will need to include mobile marketing into their marketing mix. Take a look at this article for a few upcoming mobile trends to watch in 2016.

Check out these four additional articles for more Internet marketing news!

Here’s Why Your Content Isn’t Getting Shared

20 Proven Strategies to Turn Your Website Visitors into Email Subscribers

Quick Guide on SEO strategy for Small Business

A Guide To Gmail Sponsored Promotions Ads

It's a competitive market. Contact us to learn how you can stand out from the crowd.

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