This Week in Internet Marketing 2015 09 22

This Week in Internet  Marketing 2015 09 22

Happy Tuesday Marketers! This Week in Internet Marketing, we've gathered some of the best stories and articles on the web. We're looking at different ways to humanize your brand, the power of local search for businesses, and landing page design myths. We'll also be looking at the benefits of long-tail keywords and the important factors of an effective social media advertisement.

7 Ways to Humanize Your Brand


It's human nature for us to interact and communicate with each other. We like to share our feelings, our emotions, and connect with other individuals. However, connecting with a faceless brand can be difficult. In order to gain traffic, generate leads, and build relationship, businesses need to humanize their brand. You want to create a brand that your audiences can trust and relate to. Check out this article to see how you can humanize your brand.

Also on TechWyse

This Week in Internet Marketing 2015 09 15
This Week in Internet Marketing 2015 09 01

Local Search Drives More Clicks & Calls than Any Other Marketing Channel


According to BrightLocal's latest 'Local Clicks & Calls' survey, 34% of their respondents would choose local search above any other channel. This survey, aimed to understand which online marketing channels drive the most traffic, calls, and visits to local businesses, showed us that the most time and effort was spent on local SEO and organic SEO. In addition, local search delivers 6% more website traffic than organic search. Take a look at this study to find out more about the power of local search.

4 Landing Page Design Myths that Actually Hurt Conversions


An effective landing page is one of the most difficult things to accomplish. It can take several tweaks and modifications to create one that generates quality leads. However, many businesses choose to implement "best practices" that are meant to drive conversions. Yet, these practices are the tips that cause businesses to lose leads and visitors to their site. This article focuses on landing page design myths that are actually harming your conversions. Take a look to see if you're implementing the wrong designs on your landing page.

7 Unique Benefits You’ll Find When Ranking for Long Tail Keywords

Benefits of Ranking Long Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords are keyword phrases that contain three or four terms. These keywords are very specific to what customers are searching for and the service or product you're selling. These long-tail keywords are more targeted and attract visitors that are more likely to convert. Because these keyword phrases are so specific, there is less competition. If you're not already ranking for long-tail keywords, check out this article for a list its unique benefits.

7 Hidden Factors of the Most Effective Social Media Ads

Social Media Ads

Many people are on social media nowadays and if your business isn't on Facebook or Twitter, you're missing out on a lot of great opportunities. Social media offers a variety of features that allow you to create unique and effective advertisements. You can optimize the call to action buttons, create custom landing pages for your ads, take advantage of the carousel ads, and many more advertising features. Check out this article for a few simple and actionable tips that can help your business drive successful social media ads.

Check out these five additional articles for more Internet marketing news!

Just How Important is “The Fold”? 5 Things to Consider

The Most Effective Videos for Marketing (Study)

Email Marketing: 5 Ways to Get More Email Subscribers

How to Boost Your Engagement With Visual Content

One Size Does Not Fit All: Driving Conversions Through Audience Analysis

It's a competitive market. Contact us to learn how you can stand out from the crowd.

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