This Week in Internet Marketing 2015 09 15

This Week in Internet Marketing 2015 09 15

This Week in Internet Marketing, we've gathered some of the best stories and articles from the web. We're looking at ways you can use visual storytelling to attract users, how you can get started with video marketing, and expert tips on improving your email click rates. We'll also be looking at how you can apply neuroscience principles to your landing pages and tips on writing effective product descriptions.

How to Use Visual Storytelling to Seduce Your Audience


As humans, we process visual information faster than text. According to research, we only remember 10% of what we hear, but when pictures accompany the voice, we can recall up to 65% of the information. Videos and pictures can both increase brand recall and awareness. Visual aids text and allow customers to better see the message. Check out this article to see how you can use visuals, like infographics, videos, and photography, to generate brand awareness and make your brand memorable.

5 Practical Tips for Effective Video Marketing

Tips for Effective Video Marketing

Unlike content creation or blogging, video marketing requires a variety of skills and tools in order to create a professional video. However, video marketing is no longer a strategy that is nice to have. With video traffic forecasted to make up 80% of all consumer Internet traffic by 2019, it's crucial for businesses to include videos into their marketing mix. Videos allow you to create interactive content that can showcase your business, your products, and provide useful tutorials for customers. If you haven't already started video marketing, take a look at this article for a few useful tips.

11 Hacks for Improving Your Email Click Rates

Tips to Improve Email Click Rates

Prospects sign up for your email newsletter to get more information from you. For customers who have already purchased your product, emails make a great way to reconnect with them. As you grow your email list, you want to ensure that your subscribers are opening your emails. In this article, experts share with us several causes of low click-through rates and open rates. Find out how your link placement, email quality, titles, call-to-action, and other elements of your email affect the click rate.

Also on TechWyse

This Week in Internet Marketing 2015 09 08
This Week in Internet Marketing 2015 09 01

How to Write Product Descriptions That Will Make Customers Love Your Brand

How to Write Product Descriptions

When our brain is overwhelmed, it tends to function less effectively. Similarly, when there are too many animated pictures or clusters of text on your landing page, it can overwhelm the visitors. Therefore, many marketers have looked into neuroscience principles to create powerful and effective landing pages. By using recognizable terms or grouping and organizing information hierarchically, you can reduce the cognitive load for your visitors. Check out this article to find out how you can use neuroscience principles to better tailor your business' landing pages.

How to Write Product Descriptions That Will Make Customers Love Your Brand

Product Descriptions

Product descriptions allow customers to understand the features of your products. In addition to providing helpful information about your products, it allows Google to easily crawl your site. However, many businesses choose to write for one specific audience, either their customers or search engines. When generating product descriptions, it's best to write for both parties. Take a look at this article for some great tips to refresh your product descriptions.

Check out these five additional articles for more Internet marketing news!

3 Effective Audiences For Facebook Ad Beginners

10 Times Animated GIFs Make Perfect Sense on Social Media (and How to Use Them)

A 17-Point Content Marketing Checklist Proven to Boost Your Engagement

3 Amazing (and Free) Ways to Get Visitor Feedback

Don't Use a CRM? Here Are 4 Reasons Why It Might Be The Solution You Need

Do you have an interesting Internet marketing story or article to share? Think you’ve got what it takes to be the best? Contact me to get your article featured in our next TWIIM!

It's a competitive market. Contact us to learn how you can stand out from the crowd.

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