This Week in Internet Marketing 2011 10 17

This Week in Internet Marketing 2011 10 17

The internet marketing world never slows down, last week brought us: an interesting way to bring branding into captchas; the +1 button makes its way into to the Google Display Network; essential online tools for the B2B marketer; and the evolution of LinkedIn business pages.

This Week in Internet Marketing 2011 10 17

Turning Captchas Into a Branding Tool

Captchas are necessary to avoid spam, the re-captcha project turned this mundane task into a way to help digitize books. Now the clever minds at Solve Media have turned captchas into a branding exercise. By replacing the traditional captcha with a brand message users type in a short slogan to submit a form, make a purchase, prove they’re human etc.; thus turning this task, into an interactive ad of sorts.

Display Ads Now Have The +1 Button

Back in June of this year I wrote about the Google +1 button’s impact on online advertisers. Starting last week, Google announced that the +1 button will now come to display ads. This differs from AdWords search ads, but the impact is much the same. Word of mouth recommendations are a powerful marketing weapon and this automation of word-of-mouth is the natural next step.

Powerful and Practical Tools for the B2B Marketer

The experts at Search Engine Land have put together their top five (mostly free) tools for B2B marketers. The strategies harness tools like Wikipedia, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Tactics like linking from Wikipedia articles, Facebook ad targeting, and discovering trends through Twitter.

Significant Changes to LinkedIn Company Pages

LinkedIn has made some recent advancements to their company pages platform.The new changes allow companies to post status updates much as you would on Facebook and Twitter. To coincide with this news LinkedIn announced that new company page updates will also have integration with Hootsuite. This is definitely something our Social Media Angel program is excited to work with!

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