This Week In Internet Marketing 2011 03 21

Importance of An Effective Website

This week TechWyse is featuring ways to increase your businesses productivity, website quality, sales and security with the latest developments in the online marketplace.

Google has been busy with the release of new Google Documents features, while LinkedIn, the big name in professional networking, has introduced their personalized, industry specific news feed.

In addition to the latest Google and LinkedIn news, we’re spotlighting information on writing unique content to stand out in the search engines, enhanced security on Twitter, and information on a $70 billion dollar IBM initiative.

It’s Safe to Tweet!

It's Safe To Tweet!Twitter added a permanent secure HTTPS account setting this week, allowing users to freely tweet, without risking security, via open wireless network connections. Although the HTTPS access has been offered for some time, the new feature is an account setting which can be permanently enabled. Businesses using the popular marketing tool for their networking and advertising can tweet until they can tweet no more, without the threat of security risks.

Crowded Market? Stand Out with Differentiated Content

Importance of An Effective WebsiteIf your business is part of an oversaturated market, unique content, infographics, tools and guides on your website can help boost your rankings and visitor traffic.  This article features an overall ranking algorithm chart, tips to offer unique content to not only soar in the search engines, but to stand out as a unique brand to potential customers.

LinkedIn Releases News Service

Crowded Market?Stand out With Differentiated contentLinkedIn releases their news service, “LinkedIn Today.” The business networking site’s unique new feature allows professionals to be “in-the-know” on the latest developments in their specified industry. This is the year of LinkedIn, and business savvy networkers are excited to catch up on all of the latest news in their field, all in one convenient and custom location.

Increase Business Productivity with New Google Docs Features

How Bounce Rate and EvBusinesses who are already finding Google Documents to be a valuable tool for exchanging ideas, will be thrilled to learn that the search engine mavericks have introduced new features. The productivity enhancing, sharable documents include email updates, and the ability for colleagues to join into discussions. These latest changes makes collaboration, building content and business efficiency that much easier.

IBM Releasing “Smarter Commerce” for Their Customers

IBM Releasing “Smarter Commerce” for Their CustomersWeb sales have tripled in the past twenty years. According to IBM, 70% of customers have their first experience with a product on the Internet, and 64% make the initial buy based on their online experience. IBM is launching a $70 billion dollar initiative, consisting of software and services, which will bring about new ways to buy, sell and secure greater customer loyalty in the online marketplace.

Until next week, enjoy being more collaborative in Google Docs, and setting up your LinkedIn Today news feed.

It's a competitive market. Contact us to learn how you can stand out from the crowd.

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