How to Optimize Your E-commerce Store to Increase Sales & Revenue

How to Optimize Your E-commerce Store to Increase Sales & Revenue

E-commerce is one of the most popular online business models. This is because many people were able to make money with this model and more and more people are ready to buy something online.

However, this also means that the e-commerce market is very saturated. In the sea of different online stores, it can be difficult to compete and convince customers to buy from your store and not from your competitors.

Running an e-commerce store is not as simple as it was 10 years ago, but with certain practices, it’s possible to increase sales and beat your competition. Today we are going to talk about ways you can optimize your online store to help you achieve greater success, so bear with us for a while.

Implement live chat

If you want your visitors to become loyal buyers, you need to offer real-time communication and great customer support because people want live chat. The issue with e-commerce stores is that customers don’t actually feel like they are at a store and buying something. Simply put, they feel disconnected from the seller, but with live chat, you can change this.

Live chat allows customers to contact store representatives instantly, chat with them, and even use video call. Direct communication with customers helps you engage them, provide them with valuable information, share information about products, and sell to them. Customers feel safer when they have someone addressing them directly and this gives them the confidence to make a purchase.

Make your store mobile-friendly

The number of people that go online through their mobile devices has surpassed the number of desktop users. This means that there are a lot of people that will go through your store using their mobile device and potentially make a purchase.

You need to ensure that mobile users have the same experience on your site as computer users. Your site needs to be optimized completely for mobile use. This means that they need to be able to open the site smoothly, change pages, see all product images clearly, and make a purchase through their mobile device.

Write great product descriptions

A lot of people forget about the importance of text. Sure, you can add great images, videos, and engaging website design, but it’s the text that still carries the most importance.

People always want to read product descriptions and this is a great opportunity to convince them to make a purchase. Product descriptions improve customer experience and make your whole e-commerce store look more professional.

For example, if you are selling clothes, it’s important to share information about material, size, colours, and other features, as this is how you build trust and increase the chance of making sales.

Create a simple checkout process

For a lot of e-commerce store, the problem is that customers simply leave their shopping carts. This means that the problem is not in convincing visitors to make a purchase but to go through with it.

It means that there is something wrong with the checkout process and that it turns customers away even when they’ve already added items to their cart. You need to make the checkout process as simple as possible and as short as possible. This means requiring only essential information in a few quick steps.

Additionally, consider adding a guest checkout option because many people don’t want to provide their emails or subscribe to your newsletter.

Create a personality quiz to differentiate products

Quizzes are one of the rare ways you can engage customers and suggest products based on their personality.

For example, if you are selling many different types of whiskey, you can use a quiz to differentiate them and suggest products to customers based on their answers in the quiz.

What’s great is that you can easily find an Online Quiz Maker to do this. A free quiz maker can help you achieve this without any issues.

Be creative and ask questions about taste, habits, and personality traits. A good online quiz maker can help you do this smoothly without any issues.

Implement personalized product recommendations

If you have product recommendations that’s a good start, but now you must go a step further and add personalization to the recommendation. Simply put, recommendations that are based on a customer’s history overall and past purchases is more effective.

You can also send recommendations about the items that they left in their carts, send notifications and emails about some new products that are similar to those they looked at in the past.

Alternatively, you can simply recommend a product similar to those that they bought or viewed in the past.

Offer discounts

Offering discounts is a very simple method for increasing sales but still, many companies forget to use it.

In case you are having doubts around discount because of profit margins, simply increase your prices a bit and then put them on “sale”. It might seem misleading, but everyone does this and this method is as old as the retail business itself.

Additionally, you can implement combinations such as offering discounts on one product if the buyer gets three or more products from your store. Also, make sure to showcase products that are discounted to inform visitors about your offer.


These are some of the methods you can rely on to drastically increase sales and overall profits.

Remember that running a successful e-commerce store means constantly adding new “catches” and models that will make your store more interesting and engaging to customers.

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