How Local Search Marketing Can Help Your Business

How Local Search Marketing Can Help Your Business

Towards a Better Understanding of Local Search MarketingLocal Search Marketing services are for businesses using the internet to target local marketing niches in localized regions. Moreso than other marketing types, geo-targeted local search engine marketing may generate more ROI for local business.

Local search marketing for a business can help in three ways.

  1. Increasing the online visibility where your geographic  target market is searching from.
  2. Search Engines will understand your business location and rank accordingly.
  3. Local search marketing provides detailed business related information if added properly.


It’s good to choose a ccTLD domain name if you primarily deal only with local business. By having a local domain extension you can let Search Engines know your exact targeted business location. Local business directories will spend less time in recognizing the business location while approving your business request.

Geo Terms

Using geo terms in the content of web pages can make your website more locale to search engines. Make sure to include the address in ‘contact us’ page. Having your address in the contact us page increases the trust factor amongst your local audience and also helps search engines to understand your business location. Hey, did I mention TechWyse is based in Toronto? :)

Google Local

Google Local search service uses Google Maps. Ownership can be verified in any of the three ways (postal, phone and sms) while registering the business in Google Local. Getting listed in Google Local will benefit you by getting targeted visitors to the website which increases the chances of conversion. Here is where you can add your business in Google Local.  Google also recently launched a full suite of local business tools to help edit your profile and receive valuable analytical insights.  Having a strong listing in Google Local is also a way of ensuring that your listing is at the top of the page without having to pay for a pay per click ad!

Yahoo Local

Yahoo Local search service integrates yellow page-style listings, Yahoo maps, user reviews and content, and other elements of Yahoo’s network. User reviews are included (when available) with each business listing that gets returned in a local search. You can add your business in Yahoo Local here.

Bing Local

Bing Local Search begins with two text fields on its search form and adds extra links on the home page for functions like getting directions for the business results which will take you to Bing Maps. you can add your business in Bing Local here.

Local Business Directories & Yellow Pages

Each country has many business directories and yellow pages where users are allowed to comment, rate and review the businesses. Local business will be accepted & listed with contact information in business directories after the address verification. It’s getting more important that business monitor the review/comment/rate area for your listing as it can help or hinder reputation.

If you are successful with all the aforesaid points, you can enjoy a fruitful result like below. In the below example you can continue to receive rankings near the top for people searching for services related to you in your area. After all, local business results is yet another way for people to find and convert to your product or service.

Google Maps View

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  • avatar

    Interesting read, now big businesses too started tapping the possibilities of online local market to reach local prospects. I found posting business address on the home page and a few more other pages is a working strategy. Another important but often ignored scheme is listing businesses to local chamber of commerce and better business bureaus (must be paid), it will give you some good results.

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    Brian Spiedel 


    Google is the main tool to search or find or anything through internet. It’s clear and i do agree with these points.

  • avatar

    As Google is turning more and more localized in showing search results based on search queries, your site’s local marketing efforts is going to be a big factor in determining your site’s success.

  • avatar

    Informative post. One thing I’ve noted is that, most of the local business listing sites are either US or US-states focused. I feel local listings are going to help much the users who are generally use long query to search. And that reasons why you cannot ignore your local online promotion, as long tail queries which is where 70 percent or so of all search volume can be found.

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