Inspiring “Contact Us” Page Designs for Your Website

Inspiring “Contact Us” Page Designs for Your Website

Every single page on your website should be thoughtfully designed, tested for functionality, and created with your brand in mind. The same goes for your Contact Us page, let’s look at what you can do to make your contact us page more effective.

What is a ‘Contact Us’ Page?

A ‘contact us’ page is what your customer looks for when they visit your website, if they have any queries, issues, or if they want to find your address. The usage is not limited to your customer, even your prospect employees, business partners, shareholders, or anyone else who may want to know more about your company will look for your contact page. It’s the most credible place, where anyone can get your contact info.

For this reason, your contact page should be easy to find and use. If there is a little pop-up box that sticks out like a sore thumb – or worse, if your website attempts to launch Outlook on the user’s PC when they click the contact us button, it’s time for a redesign.

Examples of  Contact Pages

Let’s look at some inspirational sites on the internet that have done a great job with their contact us page design and explore what they are doing right.

  1. Buzzworthy Studio

Buzzworthy Studio, a design and marketing agency out of New York City, utilizes simple yet playful design for their contact page. This design and development work not only showcases the skills of Buzzworthy but also clearly directs the user to their next steps. In this case, that is to “Start A Project.”

There are two primary reasons why this contact page does an extraordinary job of guiding consumers through the process. First, the primary call-to-action is the only place, aside from the logo, that implements the color red. This instantly draws people’s eyes to the large circle.

Second, even if someone scrolls past the button, the shape of the map pulls the user back up the page, towards the button. Finally, once users click on “Start A Project” they are guided through an illustrated questionnaire before submitting their form.

   2. YETI

The outdoors outfitter behemoth YETI has done an amazing job of creating an effective contact page while maintaining some fun branding.

There are two major features that make this page fantastic for the audience they’re speaking to. First, YETI divides users into categories that directly relate to this concern. This not only makes life easier by YETI but also creates a better culture of customer service. Second, and most enjoyably, the header copy is a playful way of speaking to an audience that can relate

 3. Indofolio

This is another example of a contact page that has design elements and images that match the other pages on the website. Not only is it colorful, but it effectively shows off the developers’ talents! In addition to this, the form is short and simple.

By keeping the form simple and short, the web designer makes it more likely that the customer will leave feedback. The web designer also provides a direct email and Twitter link to visitors who don’t want to fill out a form.

 4. Kev Adamson

This ‘contact me’ page for a freelance web designer is embedded directly onto the homepage of the website. This is a useful technique because visitors don’t have to click – they just scroll down to enter their contact information and send a message. The web developer helpfully provides the email address and phone number. What is especially notable here is the automatically rotating series of customer testimonial quotes.

5. Littlelines

Littlelines is a software company, and its contact page is minimalistic and utilitarian: the company only asks for 5 things, the majority of which are basic information!

By keeping it simple, users don’t get discouraged by overwhelming requirements to fill. It also starts with an exciting and confident title. Starting something great is the exact kind of mindset you want users to have when they reach out.

 6. Digital Base

The first thing you will notice about this production company’s contact page is the design: the company logo is prominently displayed, and the web designer has selected a subtle background image to accent the form in the foreground.

The form itself is short and easy to fill out. Even better, the page includes alternative methods for making contact, both through social media and through instant chat boxes.

7. whole

This contact page is great for a few reasons. First, it clearly provides the company’s email address and physical address, and it links users to available positions. However, the absolute best part of this contact page is that users can instantly book an appointment! As an even bigger positive, this appointment is with the CEO, Giles, which only builds trust as users consider the company whole.

8. Hootsuite

Hootsuite’s contact page is cleanly designed and immediately funnels users into sales, support, or careers. They also include links to all of their social accounts, which offer 24/7 support through direct and public messaging. Additionally, they make it possible to send messages to sales support or security and offer maps to each of their brick and mortar locations. Finally, they provide a link to a feedback channel where users can inquire about existing problems, suggest features, and provide feedback about the company’s performance.

9. Friends & Family

Friends & Family have used their company’s name in a creative way on their contact us page to make visitors feel like they are visiting the website of someone they are close with. This builds trust with the visitors and also brings a sense of calm. Including contact us quotes for the website this way is a really good idea. The contact page is simple and easy to use. They have also included their phone number before the contact form, as a way for people to contact them immediately if need be.

10. Troa

Troa has one of the best ‘contact pages’ out there. The moment you visit, you’ll realize the design is different from what you are used to. With a brand-focused design and communication, their contact page is interactive and fun. With a dot that keeps following your cursor around, even a grown-up may spend some time playing around the web page. That said all the important information a customer will need is easily accessible.

11. Fresh Leads

Fresh leads have a clean, simple, and straightforward contact us page. It helps you focus on what’s important. Right when you visit the page you are given different options to choose from, that suit your reason for contact. This way of categorizing helps both the company and the users by being easy to sort and connect.

12. Phantom

Phantom is a cryptocurrency platform that has its priorities clear. Their contact us page is a guide for anyone who wants to use their platform. This is a good way to implement a contact us page as most of their users are new and would visit to know more about the product. If you do not find what you are looking for you can submit a request.

Essential Elements of a Contact Us page

There is just one reason for anyone to visit your contact us page and that is to get in touch with you. So, there is really no need to clutter it with information that will only get in the way. Here are some essential elements you can add to your contact us page.

Contact us page Info:

  • Address: Depending on the type of business you run, your customer may need to visit your physical location, and adding your address to your contact page is the best way they can find it.
  • Email & Phone number: It goes without saying, an email and phone number are needed for your customer to connect with you immediately to resolve any issues.
  • Contact Us Form: Including your email Id & other contact information is good, but including a contact form makes it easier for your customer to get in touch with you. When you take into account that this will also help you reach out to a prospect, a contact form becomes a great option.
  • Social Media handles: One of the reasons your customer would visit your contact us page is to connect with you on social media. So, it’s a good idea to include links to all your active social media accounts, especially if you provide support through social media.
  • FAQ section: People usually visit contact pages to find answers. If you can provide answers to some frequently asked questions on your contact page, it will make your customer's life much easier.

User Experience:

Maintaining a good user experience on your website is essential if you’d like your customers to visit back. Here is how you can improve your contact us page user experience:

  • Branding: contact pages don’t need to be boring. You can always liven it up by designing it around your brand and brand voice. Making it consistent with the rest of your website.
  • Ease of access: The contact page should be easily accessible. It’s important to add links to it in your header menu and footer menu. This way your customers can easily find and connect with you.
  • Quick response time: Your customers want to get the answers they are looking for as quickly as possible. Make sure the phone numbers are live and you reply to your customer's email and contact form as quickly as possible.

Contact Us Quotes for Website

Branding is a huge part of your website. So,  It’s a good idea to add contact us captions in a way that captures your brand essence. It can be simple, witty, or can also include the reason why your customers should connect with you.  When implemented, right contact us slogan can make your contact page look good and improve the user experience.

Here are some inspirational contact us page quotes:

  1. “Friends & Family! Who are you? Where are you? How are you?” - Friends & Family
  2. “At Ford Motor Company, your satisfaction is important to us. We're here to help.” - Ford 
  3. “Tell us about your issue so we can help you more quickly.” - Paypal
  4. “Have a question or feedback for UNICEF?” - UNICEF
  5. “When you need support, we’re here to help.” - Capital One
  6. “Get in touch with a Comcast specialist. Our team is here to help.” - Xfinity
  7. “We're here to answer your questions and provide support to help you understand and use your benefits.” - UHC
  8. “Let us help you find the answers you're looking for” - Royal Bank
  9. “Whether you’re a Client, a shareholder or investor, or a journalist, here’s how to get in touch with us.” - Sun life
  10. “Our one of a kind fruit snacks would love to hear from you” - TALA
  11. “GOT A QUESTION? WE LOVE THOSE.” - Health by habit
  12. “Words without the waffle. Get in touch for a refreshingly straightforward conversation today.” - Astoncm
  13. “We’re here to give you advice on your office location, what we're seeing in the market, or even to suggest great places for a coffee break.” - Square Foot
  14. “At Cognizant, we believe that those who challenge the status quo today will do remarkable things tomorrow. If you're as passionate about the possibilities as we are, please contact us.” - Cognizant

What is Contact Form?

As the name suggests, it’s a form you can add to your contact page that can eliminate the need for the customer to email their message directly to you. In this way, it saves time for your users and also saves your time by helping you organize & reply to the messages you get more effectively. You can request all the essential information you need from your customer to resolve their issue using a contact form.

Examples of Contact Us Form

Now that you understand what a contact form is, let’s take a look at some examples of the best contact forms out there.

1. TechWyse

TechWyse has a simple and easy-to-use contact form. The form stands out from the rest of the page to increase visibility and as a way to lead people to fill the form. They have done this by making the form a different color from the background and matching the shape of the contact form to resemble that of a chatbox, that sits on top of all other elements on the page. The color they have used to highlight the contact form is a part of their brand, making it consistent with the entire website. TechWyse also gives users the reason why they should fill out the form.

2. Notorious Nooch


Notorious Nooch also has a simple contact form that stands out and is consistent with its brand. The form has only four fields and email is the only mandatory field. This makes filling their contact form easy for their users. Even if the customer does not feel like filling out the entire form, Notorious Nooch can always connect with the users via email to provide the necessary support.

3. Sendinblue


Sendinblue has one of the best interactive contact forms. Initially, when you visit the contact page, the only field you can see is a drop-down menu asking why you’d like to connect with them. Once you select your reason, a relevant contact form appears, where you can provide further details. This way of categorizing the reasons for contact helps the users by only showing the fields relevant to their specific needs, this is better than filling in unrelated information. It also helps Sendinblue’s support team to identify what type of request it is without going through the entire form.

4. AB Finance


AB finance has created a form that looks like a conversational sentence. The form looks simple, fun, and feels like you are typing in your story. The layout also makes you feel like you are filling in only a few fields as compared to other contact forms that ask for the exact same number of fields in a traditional manner. It is also consistent with their branding.

5. Growers

Growers have put in a lot of effort to make their contact form consistent with their brand. The design is eye-catching, simple and the form contains only the necessary fields. They also have a dropdown to help categorize the type of query. The way they use the placeholder text is brilliant, by creatively crafting the placeholder text to match the tone of their brand.

Contact Us Form - Best Practices

Let’s look at some of the best practices when creating a contact form. You can keep these in mind while creating yours!

  • Include a Form Heading & Message

While adding a contact form, let your visitors know why they should contact you. If they feel as if their feedback is welcome, they are more likely to engage with your blog or website.

  • Avoid Unnecessary Fields in Form

If somebody has a customer service issue or is interested in doing business with you, don’t frustrate them by forcing them to enter a bunch of extraneous information. Keep the form short, like on TechWyse’s page, or make the extra fields optional.

  • Form Design should be consistent with your brand

Design your contact form to be consistent with your brand. This may include using your brand colors and tone in your contact form. You can also use a different layout than the traditional form.

  • Opt In Checkbox

You can provide checkboxes for your customers to accept terms & conditions and policies that are required by the government in respective countries. You can also include a checkbox for your email newsletter subscription.

  • Categorize Forms if Necessary

Use categories to organize the messages you receive by providing a dropdown including all the reasons your visitors may want to connect with you. It’s also a good idea to show relevant fields based on the category they have selected. This way your customer does not have to fill fields that are irrelevant to the issue that they are facing.

  • Fields & Placeholders

Include names for all the fields you add to your form. This way it will be easy for your customers to fill in the right details. Placeholder text is visible in the input box and can show examples or hints on what to fill in the respective fields, making it easier for your customers.


Contact us page is one of the most important pages on your website and keeping it clutter-free and easy to use will help you get more happy visitors.

If you’d like more help with taking your business’ website to the next level, TechWyse’s web design team is the right choice for you, with experience designing the contact us page and other creative professional websites. Why not contact us to learn more? We can’t wait to hear from you!


Frequently Asked Questions


What Do You Write on Contact Us Page?

Provide your contact information so that your customer can connect with you immediately by email or Phone number. Explain how you can help your customer & some reasons they should contact you. Use a contact form to get enough information from the customer to help them with the issue they are facing.


What Makes a Good Contact Page?

A contact page should be simple and only contain the necessary information on how a customer can connect with you, any other information is just a distraction. A good contact page also makes it easier for the customer to identify all the contact options available. It should also contain a contact form for easy use.


What Is a Website, Contact Page?

A contact page is what your customer would look for on your website if they have any issues or queries. This is the page they will look for to connect with you. It usually contains the following: phone number, Email Id, contact form, social links & address.


Why Is a Contact Us Page Important?

A contact page is what people look for while trying to connect to you. Some of the reasons they want to connect with you include new inquiries, support, careers, business opportunities, etc. This makes the contact us page one of the most important pages on your website as this is where you can guide your current customer,  get new leads and find people to work with.


Do I Need a Contact Form on My Website?

Yes, a contact form reduces the effort and time it takes for a customer to connect with you. With a contact form, your customers can connect with you without leaving the contact us page. Usually, they will have to copy your email, open their email client and then draft a message, but that’s not required with a contact form. Also, it makes it easier for you to manage the requests you are receiving.

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  • avatar

    Amazing and informative! For me as a beginner in web designing, these points are surely gonna help me for a better UI for my contact us page. Thanks a lot.

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    Thanks for sharing this blog, it very useful for me and many. So great work techwyse.

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    A good blog gives a lot more knowledge about this. I will continue to support your work Thank you

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    “Nice info!” And thank you so much for sharing all this wonderful info……

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    Thank you for taking the time to leave such good information!

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    Thank you for taking the time to educate people by writing this article. The average person does not know much about this stuff, so it is good that someone is taking the time to put high-quality material out there to inform and educate. You did a wonderful job. Keep up the good work!

  • avatar

    Thanks for sharing this blog, it very useful for me and many, who have to looking for web design company it will helpful. so great work techwyse.

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    Nice and informative post. Thank you for sharing.

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    Having a creative contact us page shows your audience that you’re different for all the right reasons.

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    MLA Web Designs 


    Hello, you have a great finesse in writing the blogs. Keep writing more on these lines, enjoy reading this. great insights. Thanks!

  • avatar

    I have been looking for a post like for so long. I’m trying to revamp my blog’s contact us page and I found this really helpful. Thanks for sharing.

  • avatar

    This is so true the contact page should be very attractive as it will give a positive impact on the customer and get good reviews for it.

  • avatar

    I remember back in the day when I was new to all this and I didn’t know the importance of building an immersive “contact us” page, how foolish I was. I remember I decided to give it a go since everyone had a contact page and once I finally set up one I got some really nice feedback and business enquiries.
    It’s one of the best things you can do for your website!

  • avatar

    Leona, just wanted to say that this post is really wonderful. The contact us pages you’ve compiled are indeed nice to look at and functional too. I think I’ll follow your advice when I’m making my own “contact us” pages.

  • avatar

    I have seen many “Contact Us” pages in my lifetime, and I always liked how they were all different. My least favorite, of course, is when there is a link that tries to launch Outlook. Unless, of course, you can see the email address without clicking it; then the Outlook link is okay. But I know that people who set up pages like that risk receiving a lot of spam, so perhaps a full-blown contact form is a good idea. Not exactly sure how to implement a contact form in my favorite website software, MediaWiki (which I personally prefer over WordPress); perhaps I have to make the switch to WordPress if I want a full-blown contact form. But I know very well that the contact form is very important! Some sites make their contact info very hard to find! Some sites don’t post it at all, but I guess some site owners want that. But if you’re doing real marketing, this is great advice!

  • avatar

    Great post Leona, I’ve always thought of the contact part of a site as something hard for users to contact, if made easy for them I can be a great customer experience, the idea of getting back to them it’s great. Cheers!

  • avatar


    Currently our contact us page is just holding general contact info with an option of filling in a web form that send us an email.
    I love the visuals and how much effort has gone into a page generally thought as a list of ways to contact.
    Will also take up the idea of positive messages about getting back to the visitor and that their feedback is important.

    • avatar

      There is no shortage of ‘contact us’ pages in the internet. Somehow I always had a little bit of difficulty in locating them. But thanks to this post, now I will be able to use all the resources I need for my assignment in various subjects. ‘Contact us’ pages are normally available within the websites themselves. You need to be a little attentive to find them.

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