How to Create a Newsletter That Your Customers Will Actually Want to Read

Ways to create an effective newsletter

Have you started using email newsletters for your business, but aren’t sure if they’re really generating leads? 

Newsletters are important for any business to have, but whether you’re using a template, like some from Canva, or making one yourself, it can still be a lot of work. 

Why Newsletters Are Important

When done correctly, newsletters and email blasts can bring in a lot of business for you. Customers sign up to get special discounts and promos, but you can also use these as educational tools about new products you’re offering. If you’re starting a newsletter for your business, or have started one and would like some tips on how to improve, keep reading!

Have a Goal in Mind

Having a goal in mind is crucial to creating an effective newsletter. The first goal you may have in mind when creating a newsletter is to generate leads and increase your sales. However, getting more specific with your goals can help you generate better, more high-quality leads. By having a  goal, you can tailor your newsletter with a specific call to action at the bottom of your emails, thus increasing your CTR (click-through rates).

Some goals you could have for your newsletter include:

  • Educating your customers on a new product
  • Promoting a contest or sale
  • Promoting a new product or service
  • Building brand loyalty
  • Information about company news and updates to policies
  • Abandon cart emails

Follow the 90/10 Rule

When your customers receive your newsletter, they already know it’s going to be about your products or service. However, sometimes in order to grab their attention, it’s important to teach them something new, something that would make them want to keep reading your newsletters. This is where the 90/10 rule comes in: keep your newsletters 90% educational, and 10% promotional.

Clearly, this isn’t for every newsletter, especially if you have a sale or certain promotion going on. However, you don’t want to end up being that company that sends a useless email every day that customers instantly send to the bin. 

Curate content in your newsletter that your customers will want to read, and make it worth their time — every single time - to open up your newsletter and learn something new. And this doesn’t have to be sent every day either — it can be spread out to even two times a week. If your readers know that it’s worth it to look at your newsletter, they’ll make an effort to look for your newsletter in their inbox. And at the bottom, you can add in your 10% promo for your business and generate quality leads with customers who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. 

Get Creative with Copy

The last thing anyone wants to see in their email is another boring headline that’s just taking up space in their inbox. With everyone signed up for several different newsletters, there’s a lot of competition you need to stand out against. Some simple tips to improve the copy on your newsletters include:

  • Write snack-size bits of information
    • Having an informational newsletter is great, but keep it short and to the point! Don’t go overboard and lose their interest, rather keep it interesting and fun for your readers.
  • Use emojis in the subject line
    • Visual aids can help break up the sea of words found in someone’s inbox. Even just one part-popper emoji for your semi-annual sale can boost your open rates.
  • Don’t be afraid to throw in some humour
    • Who said newsletters had to be boring? Throw in some humour and keep your audience engaged — and why not add a smile to their day!
  • Remember to add in a call to action at the end, but also throughout your newsletter
    • It’s easy to just throw a call to action at the end of your newsletter. However, if it’s appropriate, you can disperse it throughout your newsletter in key places customers are more likely to click. 

Make it Easy for Customers to Unsubscribe

Well, this sounds like a bummer. However, it’s important for your newsletter. Having the unsubscribe button or link clearly marked in your email helps keep it from going into the spam folder of your recipients. Having this clearly marked also helps you keep your subscriber list healthy, avoid customer frustrations and comply with anti-spam legislation. 


Writing a captivating newsletter that helps you reach your company’s goals can seem daunting, especially when you’ve already started and aren’t seeing the results you expected. However, by utilizing the tips shown above, you can start making newsletters your customers will want to read. 
Are you thinking of starting a newsletter for your business? Or are you struggling with writing your current newsletter to generate leads for your business? If so, our team at TechWyse is here to help! Our team has experts experienced in creating effective newsletters that can help your business grow. Click here to learn more about how we can help your business today!

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