Panda 4.0 – The Next Generation of Panda!

Panda 4.0 – The Next Generation of Panda

Howdy dear SEOs, Finally all our speculation comes to an end. Matt Cutts on Twitter announced that Google started rolling out Panda 4.0



Image: TechWyse

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What is the focus of this update?

Panda algorithm is designed to prevent sites publishing poor quality content from ranking on first page of Google search results. Panda 4.0 seems to be major update that means Google has made changes in the algorithm, moreover how the algorithm identifies and classify sites with poor quality content. According to Search Engine Land, the impact is ~7.5% of queries that are affected to a degree that a regular user might notice.

According to RocketMill, the following industries has been affected the most by Panda 4.0.


30 day SERPs volatility Index from also indicate a similar trend.

30 day SERPs volatility Index from

In a follow up post from Rishi Lakhani, Deconstructing’s Organic Loss it proves that eBay has been victim of Panda 4.0. According to Larry Kim from WordStream, eBay is suffering a massive loss in organic traffic and ranking. He calculated the loss of organic traffic to be roughly 80%.

eBay Share of top 10 ranking from Dr Pete, Moz.

eBay Share of top 10 ranking from Dr Pete, Moz.

What Panda 4.0 mean for you?

Panda 4.0 is designed to identify and classify websites having thin and low quality content. Based on the data, it seems this is one of the major updates in recent memory. Make sure you have an SEO agency who can audit your site's content. If you are not careful there are high chances where your organic traffic could be hit due to Panda 4.0.

Stay patient, but make sure you are keeping close eye on your analytics and Google Webmaster Tools (in particular search queries, impressions and clicks).

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  • avatar

    I feel sorry for ebay. The new panda didn’t have any effect on my site. Did that Panda affect Amazon?

  • avatar
    James Schenk 


    I think those websites which does not contain any spammy or low quality content, will not be worried about Panda 4.0.

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    Douglas DSilva 


    It seems Google’s latest algorithmic update Panda 4.0 is punishing BIG E-Commerce companies in a massive way. Thanks for the update Christy!

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