Search Engine Market Share For March 2010

Search Engine Market Share For March 2010

Yahoo! Takes Another Tumble in March 2010

All things remained fairly consistent in the search engine market share world in March.  By consistent I mean that Google was about the same and Yahoo! continued its meteoric fall in search engine market share.

Search Engine Market Share March 2010

Google Keeps Things Consistent

Google reigns supreme as always. It seems that the redirect from mainland China to Hong Kong did not effect things that much after all.  With a tad of an increase of .01% in March 2010 to 85.75% Google kept things consistent.

Yahoo! Search Drops To New Low Of 5.38%

For a search engine that has historically held less than 10% of search engine market share, losing almost 1.5% of that market share in just 6 months is a massive loss.  We think that Yahoo! has become less trendy amongst searchers as it has become a more magazine style site.  This has meant much more clutter and perhaps a more ‘techie’ fan base.  Yahoo! now retains just 5.38% of searches down from 9.76% almost 2 years ago.

Bing Continues Ups and Downs

The Bing that had everyone talking in June 2009 has proven to be just about the same as the combination of previous forms found in ‘Live’ and ‘Bing’.  Bing fell in March to a market share of 3.11%.  Down .28% from the previous month and up just slightly from 3.02% in the previous year.

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  • avatar

    Hope Microsoft's decision to acquire 400 Yahoo! employees, working on online search technology, will improve the performance and invite more users to Bing.

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    Google has maintained its status quo for yet another month. No worries to the folks at Mountain View. But not good news for folks at Redmond.  After a dip in January Bing had improved its position, then again it has fallen.
    DJ, want to know which stats agency's metrics you adapted here, was it  ComScore, Nielsen or Hitwise?

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